2022 XC90 Volvo Settings for navigation Owners Manual

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2022 XC90 Volvo Settings for navigation

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Map settings

Settings are selected here to define how the map is to be displayed in the navigation system.

Settings can be made within the following areas:

  • Position Format
  • Map Display Format
  • Show Speed Cameras
  • Show Favourites
  • Point of Interest (POI)

Position format

Position Format is used to choose whether the current position should be named/shown with its address or its coordinates:

  • Address
  • Coordinates and altitude

Map design

Map Display Format is used to choose how the map’s colours should be shown:

  • Day – bright colours.
  • Night – dark colours so as not to interfere with night vision.
  • Auto – the system switches between Day and Night depending on the light in the passenger compartment.

Speed cameras

Show Speed Cameras – indicate whether speed cameras should be shown on the map.


Choose whether or not Favourites shall be shown on the map.

Point of interest (POI)

The POIs to be shown on the map are indicated under Point of Interest (POI). Tap the desired category, e.g. “Transportation”, and then select to show all or specific subcategories. Exit the menu by pressing Back or Close.

Navigation system settings

Settings are selected here to define how the route and other information should be presented in the navigation system.

Settings can be made within the following areas:

  • Map – manage map content and appearance.
  • Route and Guidance – manage guidance and route display and calculation.
  • Traffic – manage information about traffic disruptions.

Settings for route and road navigation

  1. Settings are selected here to define how the route is to be calculated and the road navigation presented in the navigation system.
  2. Adjust the volume by turning the volume knob while the voice is talking.
  3. SettingsNavigationRoute and Guidance

Settings can be made within the following areas:

  • Arrival Time Format
  • Voice Guidance Level
  • Choose Default Route Type
  • Route Learning
  • Avoidance Settings
  • Suggest Petrol Station

Time format

Select how the arrival time should be specified:

  • ETA (estimated time of arrival at destination)
  • RTA (remaining time to arrival)

The times shown apply to the time zone of the destination.

Level for voice guidance

Press Voice Guidance Level.

Tap on the voice guidance required:

  • None (no automatic voice guidance but the possibility of manually requesting current voice guidance once)
  • Low (only one message per guidance point)
  • Medium (up to 3 messages per guidance point, with limited information)
  • Full (up to 4 messages per guidance point and all available information)

Standard route types

Select the standard type of route preferred:

  • Fast
  • Eco
  • Scenic (motorways are avoided as far as possible, so the journey time may be long)

It is also possible to show an alternative route while driving continues.

Route learning

Select Route Learning if data collection to optimise route calculation should be permitted.


Press Avoidance Settings to open a menu with different options that can be avoided automatically, if possible when calculating a route. For example, select tunnels, areas with congestion charges and ferries.

Suggestions for petrol stations

Press Suggest Petrol Station to activate or deactivate suggestions for nearby petrol stations in the driver display when the fuel level is low.

Traffic settings

Settings are selected here to define how traffic information is displayed in the navigation system.

Settings can be made within the following areas:

  • Show and Handle Traffic Events
  • Avoid Traffic Events
  • Show Free Flowing Traffic
  • Real-Time Traffic Information

Show traffic events

Select whether traffic events should be shown on the map and used for route calculation:

  • None
  • Major
  • All

Avoid traffic incidents

Select whether traffic incidents should be avoided when calculating a route:

  • Never
  • Ask (any suggestions for route changes are given during the journey)
  • Always

Show free-flowing traffic

Select Show Free Flowing Traffic to show this on the map.

Used Real-Time Traffic Information

Select Real-Time Traffic Information to use Real Time Traffic Information via the Internet (RTTI).

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