
2022 Volvo V60 Centre display Owners Manual

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2022 Volvo V60 Centre display


Overview of the centre display

Many of the car’s functions are controlled from the centre display. Presented here are the centre display and its options.

Three of the centre display’s basic views. Swipe right or left to access the function or app view respectively.

  1. Function view – car functions that are activated or deactivated with a press. Certain functions are also so-called trigger functions, which means they open a window with setting options. Examples of these include Camera. Settings for the head-up display are also made from the function view, but adjustments are made using the steering wheel’s right-hand keypad.
  2. Home view – the first view that is shown when the screen is started.
  3. App view – apps that have been downloaded (third-party apps) and apps for embedded functions, such as FM radio. Tap on an app icon to open the app.
  4. Status bar – the activities in the car are shown right at the top of the screen. Network and connection information is shown on the left-hand side of the status bar, while media-related information, the clock and indication about on-going background activity are shown on the right.
  5. Top view – drag the tab down in order to access the top view. Settings, Owner’s manual, Profile and the car’s saved messages are accessed from here. In some cases contextual settings (e.g. Navigation Settings) and the contextual owner’s manual (e.g. Navigation Manual) can also be accessed in the top view.
  6. Navigation – leads to map navigation, with e.g. Sensus Navigation. Tap on the subview to expand it.
  7. Media – recently used apps associated with media. Tap on the subview to expand it.
  8. Phone – the phone function can be reached from here. Tap on the subview to expand it.
  9. Extra subview – recently used apps or car functions that do not belong in any of the other subviews. Tap on the subview to expand it.
  10. Climate row – information and direct interaction to set temperature and seat heating for example. Tap on the symbol in the centre of the climate row in order to open the climate view with more setting options.

If necessary, the climate control can be used to cool the media system in the centre display. In these cases, the message Climate system Cooling the infotainment system is shown in the driver display.

Activating and deactivating centre display

The centre display can be dimmed and reactivated using the home button beneath the screen.

  1. Home button for the centre display.
  2. The effect of using the home button that the screen dims and the touchscreen no longer reacts to touch. The climate row will still be shown. All functions connected to the screen are still running, such as climate, audio, navigation and apps. When the centre display is dimmed, it is a good opportunity to clean the screen.
  3. The dimming function can also be used to fade the screen so that it does not disturb while driving.
  4. Give a long press on the physical home button below the screen.
  5. The screen goes dark except for the climate row, which continues to be shown. All functions connected to the screen are still running.
  6. Reactivate the screen – briefly tap on the home button.
  7. The view that was displayed before the screen was switched off will be shown again.

The screen cannot be deactivated when a prompt to perform an action is shown on the screen.

The centre display deactivates automatically when the engine is off and the driver’s door is opened.

Managing the centre display

Many of the car’s functions are controlled and regulated from the centre display. The centre display is a touch screen that reacts to touch.

Using the touch screen functionality in the centre display
The screen reacts differently depending on whether it is touched by dragging, swiping, or tapping. Actions such as browsing between different views, marking objects and scrolling in a list can be performed by touching the screen in different ways. An infrared light curtain just above the surface of the screen enables the screen to detect a finger that is just in front of the screen. This technology makes it possible to use the screen even with gloves on. Two people can interact with the screen at the same time, e.g. to adjust the climate for the driver and passenger side respectively.

Do not use sharp objects on the screen as they may scratch it. The table below presents the different procedures for operating the screen:

Procedure Execution Result
Press once. Highlights an object, confirms a selection or activates a function.
Press twice in quick succession. Zooms in on a digital object, such as the map.
Press and hold. Grabs an object. Can be used to move apps or map points on the map. Press and hold your finger against the screen and at the same time drag the object to the desired location.
Tap once with two fingers. Zooms out from a digital object, such as the map.
Drag Changes between different views, scrolls a list, text or view. Hold depressed and drag in order to move apps or map points on the map. Drag horizontally or vertically across the screen.
Swipe/drag quickly Changes between different views, scrolls a list, text or view. Drag horizontally or vertically across the screen.

Note that touching the upper section of the screen may cause the top view to open.

Drag apart Zooms in.
Drag together Zooms out.

Returning to home view from another view

  1. Briefly press the home button below the centre display.
  2. The last position of the home view is shown.
  3. Briefly press again.
  4. All subviews of the home view are set to their default mode.

In home view standard mode – briefly press the home button. An animation that describes access to the different views is shown on the screen.

Scrolling in a list, article or view

When a scroll indicator is visible in the screen, it is possible to scroll downward or upward in the view. Swipe downwards/upwards anywhere in the view.

The scroll indicator appears in the centre display when it is possible to scroll in the view.

Using the controls in the centre display

Temperature control.
The control is used for many of the car’s functions. Regulate e.g. temperature by means of one of the following:

  • drag the control to the desired temperature,
  • tap on + or in order to raise or lower the temperature gradually, or
  • tap on the desired temperature on the control.

Navigating in the centre display’s views

There are five different basic views in the centre display: home view, top view, climate view, app view and function view. The screen is started automatically when the driver’s door is opened.

Home view

  1. The home view is the view that is shown when the screen is started. It consists of four subviews: Navigation, Media, Phone and an extra subview.
  2. An app or car function selected from the app or function view starts in the respective subview of the home view. E.g. FM radio starts in the Media tile.
  3. The extra tile shows the last used app or car function that is not associated with any of the other three areas.
  4. The subviews show brief information about each different app.

When the car is started, the home view’s various sub-views show information on the current status of apps.

In-home view standard mode – briefly press the home button. An animation that describes access to the different views is shown on the screen.

Status bar
The activities in the car are shown at the top of the screen. Network and connection information is shown on the left-hand side of the status bar, while media-related information, the clock and indication that background activity is in progress are shown on the right.

Top view

Top view dragged down.
A tab is located in the centre of the status bar at the top of the screen. Open the top view by pressing on the tab or by dragging/swiping from the top downwards across the screen.
In the top view, access is always available to:

  • Settings
  • Owner’s manual
  • Profile
  • The car’s saved messages.

In the top view, access is given to the following in some cases:

  • Contextual setting (e.g. Navigation Settings). Change settings directly in the top view when an app (e.g. navigation) is running.
  • Contextual Owner’s Manual (e.g. Navigation Manual). Gain access directly in the top view to articles in the digital owner’s manual that are related to the content displayed on screen.

Exit the top view – press outside the top view, on the home button or at the bottom of the top view and drag upward. The underlying view is then visible and available for use again.

The top view is not available during starting/shutdown or when a message is shown on the screen. It is also not available when climate view is shown.

Climate view

The climate row is always visible at the bottom of the screen. The most common climate settings can be made directly there, such as setting temperature and seat heating.

  1. Press the symbol in the centre of the climate row to open the climate view and gain access to more climate settings.
  2. Press the symbol to close the climate view and return to the previous view.
App view

App view with the car’s apps.
Swipe from right to left across the screen in order to access the app view from the home view. Apps that have been downloaded (third-party apps) and apps for embedded functions, such as FM radio, are found here. Certain apps show brief information directly in the app view, such as the number of unread text messages for Messages.

  • Tap on an app to open it. The app then opens in the tile to which it belongs, e.g. Media.
  • You can scroll down in the app view, depending on the number of apps. Do this by swiping/dragging from the bottom and up.

Go back to the home view again by swiping from left to right across the screen, or by pressing the home button.

Function view
  1. The function view with buttons for different car functions.
  2. Swipe from left to right across the screen in order to access the function view from the home view. From here you can activate or deactivate different car functions, e.g. BLIS, Lane Keeping Aid and Park Assist.
  3. Depending on the amount of functions, it is also possible here to scroll down in the view. Do this by swiping/dragging from the bottom and up.
  4. Unlike in app view, where an app is opened with a press, a function is activated or deactivated by pressing the relevant function button. Some functions (trigger functions) open in a new window when pressed.
  5. Go back to the home view again by swiping from right to left across the screen, or by pressing the home button.

Managing subviews in centre display

Home view consists of four subviews: NavigationMediaPhone and an extra subview. These views can be expanded.

Expanding a subview from default mode
  1. Standard mode and expanded mode of a subview in the centre display.
  2. Expanding a subview:
  3. For tiles Navigation, Media and Phone: Press anywhere on the subview. When a tile is expanded, the extra tile in the home view is temporarily forced away. The other two tiles are minimised and only certain information is shown. When the extra tile is tapped, the other three tiles are minimised and only certain information is displayed.
  4. The expanded view provides access to the basic functions of the app.
  5. Closing an expanded subview:
  6. The subview can be closed in three different ways.
  • Tap on the upper part of the expanded subview.
  • Tap on another tile (this tile will then open in expanded mode instead).
  • Briefly press the physical home button below the centre display.

Opening or closing a subview in full screen mode

The extra tile and the tile for Navigation can be opened out in full screen mode, with even more information and more setting options.
When a new subview is opened in full-screen mode, no information from the other subviews is shown.

In expanded mode, open the app in full screen – press on the symbol.

Press on the symbol to go back to the expanded mode, or press the home button at the bottom of the screen.

Home button for the centre display.
There is always the option to go back to home view by pressing the home button. To go back to the home view’s standard view from full screen mode – press twice on the home button.

Symbols in the centre display’s status bar

Overview of the symbols that can be shown in the centre display’s status bar.
The status bar shows activities in progress and, in some cases, their status. Not all symbols are shown all the time due to the limited space in the status bar.

Symbol Specification
Connected to the Internet.
Roaming activated.
Signal strength in mobile phone network.
Bluetooth device connected.
Bluetooth activated but no device connected.
Information sent to and from GPS.
Connected to Wi-Fi network.
Tethering activated (Wi-Fi hotspot). The car then shares the available connection.
Car modem activated.
USB sharing active.
Phone charging wirelessly.
Process in progress.
Timer for preconditioning active.
Audio source being played back.
Audio source stopped.
Phone call in progress.
Audio source muted.
News is received from the radio channel.
Traffic information is received.

Function view in centre display

All the buttons for car functions are located in the function view, one of the centre display’s basic views. Navigate to the function view from home view by swiping from left to right across the screen.

Different types of buttons

There are three different types of buttons for car functions; see below:

Type of button Property Affects car function
Function buttons Have on/off positions.

When a function is running, an LED indicator illuminates to the left of the icon for the button. Press the button to activate/deactivate a function.

Most buttons in function view are function buttons.
Trigger buttons Do not have on/off positions.

When a trigger button is depressed, a window for the function is opened. For example, it may be a window to change seat position.

  • Camera
  • Headrest Fold
  • Head-up Display Adjustments
Parking buttons Have on, off and scan modes.

Similar to the function buttons but with an extra position for parking scanning.

  • Park In
  • Park Out
The buttons’ different modes

When the LED indicator illuminates in green on a function or parking button, the function is activated. When a function is activated, extra text with an explanation for certain functions is shown. The text is shown for a few seconds and then the button is shown with the LED indicator illuminated. For Lane Keeping Aid, the text Works only at certain speeds is shown, for example, when the button is depressed. Press the button once briefly to activate or deactivate the function.

The function is deactivated when the LED indicator is extinguished.

When a warning triangle is shown in the right-hand section of the button there is something not working as intended.

Moving apps and buttons in centre display

The apps and buttons for car functions in the app view and function view respectively can be moved and organised as desired.

Swipe from right to left to access the app view, or swipe from left to right to access the function view.

  1. Tap on an app or button and hold it down.
  2. The app or button changes size and becomes slightly transparent. It is then possible to move it.
  3. Drag the app or button to a vacant space in the view.
    The maximum number of rows available for use in order to position apps or buttons is 48. To move an app or button outside the visible view, drag it to the bottom of the view. New rows are then added, where the app or button can be located.
  4. An app or button can thus be located further down and is then not visible in the normal mode for the view.
  5. Swipe across the screen to scroll up or down in the view.

Hide the apps that you rarely or never use by moving them to the bottom, off the visible screen. This way it will be easier to find the apps you use more often.

Apps and car function buttons cannot be added to locations that are already occupied.

Message in centre display

The centre display can show messages to inform or assist the driver in the event of different events.

Example of a message in the centre display’s top view.

The centre display shows messages that are of lower priority for the driver.

Most messages are shown above the centre display’s status bar. After a while, or when any required action related to the message has been taken, the message disappears from the status bar. If a message needs to be saved, it is positioned in the top view in the centre display.

Message composition may vary and they can be shown together with graphics, symbols or a button for activating/deactivating a function linked to the message.

Pop-up messages

In some cases, a message is shown in the form of a pop-up window. Pop-up messages have higher priority than messages shown in the status bar and require acknowledgement/action before they disappear.

Keyboard in the centre display

The centre display keyboard makes it possible make entries using keys. It is also possible to “draw in” letters and characters on the screen by hand.

The keyboard can be used to enter characters, letters and numbers, e.g. to write text messages from the car, enter passwords or search for articles in the digital owner’s manual.

The keyboard is only shown when entries can be made on the screen.

The image shows an overview of some of the buttons which may be shown in the keyboard. The appearance varies depending on language settings and the context in which the keyboard is being used.

  1. Row of suggested words or characters. The suggested words are adjusted as new letters are being entered. Browse among the suggestions by pressing on the right and left arrows. Tap on a suggestion to select it. Note that this function is not supported by all language selections. If not available, the row will not be shown on the keyboard.
  2. The characters available on the keyboard depend on which language was selected (see point 7). Tap on a character to enter it.
  3. The button works in different ways, depending on the context in which the keyboard is used – either to enter @ (when an email address is entered) or to create a new row (for normal text input).
  4. Hides the keyboard. If this is not possible, the button is not shown.
  5. Used to enter capital letters. Press again to enter one capital letter and then continue with lower-case letters. Another press makes all letters capital letters. The next press restores the keyboard to lower-case letters. In this mode, the first letter after a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark is a capital letter. The first letter in the text field is also a capital letter. In text fields intended for names or addresses, each word automatically starts with a capital letter. In text fields for password, web address or email address entry, all letters are automatically lower case unless otherwise set with the button.
  6. Number entry. The keyboard (2) is then shown with numbers. Press (ABC), which in number mode is shown instead of (123), to return to the letter keyboard, or (#/~) to open the keyboard with special characters.
  7. Changes text input language, e.g. EN. The available characters and word suggestions (1) vary depending on the selected language. To make it possible to change languages for the keyboard, the languages must first be added under Settings.
  8. Space.
  9. Undoes entered text. Pressing briefly deletes one character at a time. Hold the button depressed to delete characters more quickly.
  10. Changes keyboard mode to write letters and characters by hand instead.
  • Pressing the confirmation button above the keypad confirms the entered text. The appearance of the button differs depending on context.
Variants of a letter or character

Variants of a letter or character, e.g. é or è, can be entered by holding down the letter or character. A box is displayed showing possible variants of letters or characters. Press the required variant. If no variant is selected, the original letter/character is entered.

Enter the characters, letters and words manually in the centre display

The centre display keyboard allows you to enter characters, letters and words on the screen by “drawing” by hand.

  • Press the button on the keyboard to change from typing with the keys to entering letters and characters by hand.

  1. Area for writing characters/letters/words/parts of word.
  2. The text field where the characters or word suggestions appear as they are written on screen (1).
  3. Suggestions for characters/letters/word/part of word. It is possible to scroll through the list.
  4. Space. A space can also be created by entering a dash (-) in the area for hand-written letters (1). See the heading “Entering a space in the free text field with handwriting recognition” below.
  5. Undo entered text. Press briefly to delete one character/one letter at a time. Wait a moment before pressing again to delete the next character/letter, etc.
  6. Return to the keyboard with regular character input.
  7. Switch off/on sound when entering.
  8. Hide the keyboard. If this is not possible, the button is not shown.
  9. Change text input language.

Writing characters/letters/words by hand

Write a character, a letter, a word or parts of a word in the area for hand-written letters. Write a word or parts of a word above each other or on a line.

A number of suggested characters, letters or words is shown. The most likely choice is found at the top of the list.

Do not use sharp objects on the screen as they may scratch it.

Enter the character/letters/word by waiting a moment.

The character/letter/word at the top of the list is entered. It is also possible to select a different character by pressing the required character, letter or word in the list.

Deleting/changing characters/letters written by hand

Delete all characters in the text field (2) by swiping across the handwriting field (1).

There are several options for deleting/changing characters/letters:

  • Press the intended letter or word in the list.
  • Press the text undo button to delete the letter and begin again.
  • Swipe horizontally from right to left over the area for handwritten letters. Delete multiple letters by swiping over the area several times.
  • Pressing the X in the text field deletes all of the entered text.
Changing row in the free text field with handwriting

Change row by hand by drawing the above character in the handwriting field.

Entering a space in the free text field with handwriting recognition

Enter a space by drawing a dash from left to right.


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Changing keyboard language in centre display

To make it possible to switch between different languages for the keyboard, the languages must first be added under Settings.

Adding or deleting languages in settings

The keyboard is automatically set to the same languages as the system language. The keyboard language can be manually adapted without affecting the system language.

  1. Press Settings in the top view.
  2. Press SystemSystem Languages and UnitsKeyboard Layouts.
  3. Select one or more languages from the list.

It is now possible to switch between the selected languages directly from the keyboard for text input.

If no languages have been actively selected under Settings, the keyboard retains the same language as the car’s system language.

Switching between different languages in the keyboard

When a number of languages have been selected in Settings, the button in the keyboard is used to switch between the different languages.

To change keyboard language with list:

  1. Give a long press on the button.
    1. A list opens.
  2. Select the required language. If more than four languages have been selected under Settings, it is possible to scroll in the list from the keyboard.
    1. The keyboard is adapted to the selected language and other word suggestions are given.

To change the keyboard language without displaying the list:

  1. One short press of the button.
    1. The keyboard is adapted to the next language in the list without displaying the list.

Show trip statistics in centre display

Trip statistics from the trip computer are displayed graphically in the centre display and provide an overview that facilitates more fuel-efficient driving.

Open the Driver performance app in app view in order to show the trip statistics.

Each bar in the diagram symbolises a distance of 1, 10 or 100 km, alternatively miles. The bars are filled in from the right as driving progresses. The bar on the far right shows the value for the current distance.

The average fuel consumption and total driving time are calculated since the last time the trip statistics were reset.

Trip statistics from the trip computer.

Display texts in the driver display and centre display

Display texts in the driver and centre display that appear in the articles are listed in the table below.

Display text Meaning
Battery save mode Battery saving mode
12 V Battery 12 V battery
12 V Battery 12 V battery
30 minutes 30 minutes
30 sec 30 s
60 sec 60 s
90 sec 90 s
2nd row climate Second row climate control
3rd row climate Third row climate control
Abort Stop
Accept Accept
Activate UNIT Activate UNIT
Activated Activated
Active Bending Lights Active bending lights
Active High Beam Active main beam
Adaptive Cruise Contr. Adaptive cruise control
Add as waypoint Set as intermediate destination
Add call Add call
Add device Add device
Add phone Add phone
Add timer Create new timer
Added Added
Additional Heater Additional heater
Address Address
Adjust Passenger Seat Adjust passenger seat
Adjust Passenger Seat From Driver Position Adapt the passenger seat according to the driver position
Advanced Advanced
Ahead Ahead
Air Quality Sensor Air quality sensor
Alarm Alarm
Alarm system failure Alarm system error
Alertness Warning Fatigue warning
All All
All Doors All doors
Allowed services for this device Permitted services for this device
Along route Along the route
Alternative Routes Alternative routes
Always Always
AM/FM radio AM/FM radio
Ambient Light Intensity Intensity for decor lighting
Ambient Light Level Level for decor lighting
Ambient Lighting Decor lighting
Answer Answer
Application updates Application updates
Apply steering Steer the car
Appointments Requests
Arrival Time Format Time format
Ask Question
Ask before connecting Ask before connecting
Steering aid during increased collision risk Steering assistance if there is an increased risk of collision
Road Sign Audio Warning Audible traffic signs warning
Auto Auto
Auto Activate Parking Brake Automatic activation of parking brake
Auto Camera Reverse Activation Activate camera when in reverse gear
Auto Close Sunroof Curtain Automatic closing of the sun blind
Rearview Mirror Auto Dimming Automatic dimming of rearview mirror
Auto Lock Doors While Driving Automatic locking of doors when driving
Auto Driver Seat Heating Level Start level, driver seat heater
Auto Front Defroster Automatic defroster windscreen
Auto Rear Defroster Automatic defroster rear
Auto fill Auto adjustment
Auto hold Auto hold
Auto Passenger Seat Heating Level Start level, passenger seat heater
Auto Rear Wiper Automatic wiping of rear window
Auto Segment Switching Automatic change of segment
Auto Software Update Background check for software updates
Auto Steering Wheel Heating Level Start level for automatic steering wheel heating
Auto update: Auto update:
City Safety City Safety
Auto Time Automatic time
Automatic Trailer Lamp Check Auto control of trailer lights
Automatically connect when I arrive Automatically connect when I arrive
Availability: Closed Availability: Closed
Availability: Crowded Availability: Almost full
Availability: Free Availability: Free
Availability: Full Availability: Full
Availability: Unknown Availability: Unknown
Avoid Avoid
Avoid Traffic Events Avoid traffic incidents
Back Backwards
Balance Balance
Base Map Version Version number for basic map
Bass Basic
Battery level sustained for later use Battery level is maintained for later use
Blind spot sensor Blind spot detector
Blind spot system off Blind spot detector off
Block Quarter
Blow into alcolock Blow into the alcohol lock
Book time for maintenance Book time for maintenance
Both Both
Brake Characteristics Braking properties
Brake pedal Brake pedal
Bright Lights
SOS/On Call button lock Keylock
By Temperature According to temperature
By Colour According to colour
Bypass instead? By-pass instead?
Store Pressure Save tyre pressure
Storing pressure unsuccessful. Try again. Calibrating not completed. Try again
Call Make call
Call to make Appointment Call to book time
Camera Camera
Cancel Stop
Cancel read out Cancel reading
Cancel request Cancel request
Cannot be selected because gear is in manual Not possible to select due to gear in manual mode
Cannot be selected because speed is too high Not possible to select due to speed too high
Cannot be selected due to limitations Not possible to select due to limitations
Cannot be selected due to low battery Not possible to select due to low battery level
Cannot be selected due to low temperature Not possible to select due to low temperature
Vehicle Identification Number Car’s identification number
Car key battery low Low battery in car key
Car key not found Remote control key not found
Car message stored in Car Status application Car message has been saved in Car Status app
Car Modem Internet Internet via car modem
Car not possible to start Car cannot be started
Car start Start of car
Car Status Car status
Car Trains Car train
Car Wi-Fi Hotspot Car’s Wi-Fi tethering
Card Status: Card status:
Change Switch
Change device Change device
Change PIN Change PIN code
Characteristics changed Service required Characteristics changed Service required
Charge cable Charging cable
Charging fault, low battery. Stop safely Charging fault, low battery. Stop ASAP
Charging complete Fully charged
Charging error Charging fault
Check tyres Check tyres
Check Car Status app in center display Check the tyres, calibrate after inflation
Cities Cities
City City
Clear itinerary Clear itinerary
Climate Climate
Close Close
Comfort Comfort
Communication Communication
Concert hall Concert hall
Confirm Confirm
Congestion Charge Zones Congestion charge areas
Connect Connect
Connect key Connect remote control key
Connected devices Connected devices
Coordinates and altitude Coordinates and altitude
Cornering Lights Cornering lights
Country Country
Create new Create new
Cruise Control Cruise control
Cushion extension Cushion extension
DAB To DAB Handover DAB to DAB link
DAB To FM Handover DAB to FM link
Dark Dark
Data roaming Data roaming
Data usage: %s Data usage: %s
Date Date
Date and Time Date and time
Day Day
Days Days
Deactivated Inactivated
Decline Decline
Disable Leveling Control Inactivation of level control
Choose Default Route Type Standard route types
Delete Delete
Destination: Destination:
Detour Detour
Disable PIN Inactivate SIM card PIN code
Displays Displays
Distance Distance
Doors and tailgate lock when the car moves Doors and tailgate locked when driving
Download Centre Download Center
Drive Preferences Driving preferences
Driver Driver
Driver Display Driver display
Driver Display Information Information in driver display
Driver Display Options Driver display options
Driver focused Focus driver
Single Door One door
Driver Performance Driver performance
Driver Profiles Driver profile
Driver support system Driver support functions
Driving Mode ECO Drive mode ECO
DSRC Uplink DSRC uplink
Dynamic Dynamic
Early Early
Easy Entry and Exit Suspension Control Shock absorption control for simple entry and exit
Easy Entry and Exit Seat Control Control for simple entry and exit
ECO Climate ECO climate control
Edit Edit
Edit list Edit list
Edit Profile Edit profile
Electric Electrical
Parking Brake and Suspension Parking brake and suspension
End call End call
Engine charges hybrid battery The petrol engine charges the hybrid battery
Engine coolant Coolant
Engine oil level Engine oil level
Engine oil level low Low engine oil level
Engine temperature Engine temperature
Ensembles Ensembles
Enter province Set province
Equaliser Equaliser
ESC Sport Mode ESC sport mode
Export Profile to USB Export profile to USB
Exterior Sound Exterior audio
Exterior Lights Exterior lighting
Factory reset Factory reset
Fast Fast
Favourites Favourites
Ferries Ferry
FM radio FM radio
FM Radio Manual Manual FM radio
FM Radio Settings Settings FM radio
Cornering Lights Cornering lights
Fold Headrest On Second Row Seats Lower head restraints on the second seat row
Fold Mirror When Locked Side mirrors angled in when locking
Forget Forget
Free Flow Information Information for free flow
Show Free Flowing Traffic Show free flowing traffic
Freeze Program Name Freeze programme service name
Frequency band Wavelength
Fuel lid will be unlocked when ready The fuel cap is opened
Fuel tank Fuel tank
Full Full
Fully charged at: Fully charged:
Fuse failure Service required Fuse blown Service required
Gear lever Gear lever
Gender Gender
Genres Genres
Factory reset Factory reset
Go here Drive here
Gracenote® Multiple Results Gracenote® several hits
Gracenote® Online Search Online search of Gracenote® in database
Guest Guest
Guidance Guidance
Guide Guide
half a day half day
Harsh behaviour at low speed, car ok to use Jerky running at low speed, OK to drive on
Head-up Display Head-up display
Head-up Display Adjustments Adjustments for head-up display
Head-Up Display Calibration Calibration for head-up display
Head-Up Display Options Head-up display alternative
Headrest Fold Lower head restraint
High High
High temperature Stop safely High temperature Stop safely
High temperature Turn off engine High temperature Stop the engine
Highways Motorway
Highway Facilities Motorway facilities
History History
Home Home
Home Safety Light Time Time for home safe lighting
HV battery Hybrid battery
Propulsion system Hybrid system
Hybrid system failure Hybrid system fault
Imperial British
Import Profile from USB Import profile from USB
Individual Drive Mode Individual drive mode
Individual stage Individual scene
Info card Information card
Install Install
Install all Install all
Intensity Intensity
Interior Lighting Interior lighting
Interior Mood Lighting Ambience lights
Interior Mood Light Intensity Strength of ambience light
International Borders Country border
Internet connection Internet connection
Graphic Message Graphic message
Text Message Text message
Join calls Merge calls
JP Traffic Information JP traffic information
Junction Junction
Keep climate comfort Retain climate comfort
Keyboard Layouts Keyboard layout
Keyless Unlock Keyless entry
Keypad Touch Keyboard sound
Lane Assistance Lane assistance
Lane Departure Warning Feedback Warning type for Lane Departure Warning
Lane Keeping Aid Mode Lane Keeping Aid mode
Lane Keeping Aid Warning Feedback Warning type for Lane Keeping Aid
System Language System language
Late Late
Left turn indicator malfunction Left direction indicators not working
Level low, turn off engine Low level, switch off engine
Level low, refill Level low Top up
Leveling Control Checking the level
Library Library
Lights and Lighting Beam and lighting
Light Lights
Lines Lines
Local Interruptions Local interruption
Locking Locking
Visible Locking Feedback Visible response when locking
Low Low
Low charge, temporarily reduced functionality Low charge, temporarily reduced functionality
For full functionality start car Low charge, will soon activate power saving mode
Lumbar Lumbar support
Lumbar Lumbar support
Main climate Main climate
Maintenance overdue Maintenance overdue
Major Larger
Make car discoverable Make car visible
Malfunction Function error
Manual Trailer Lamp Check Manual control of trailer lights
Manual tuning Manual setting
Map Map
Map Display Format Map design format
Map Information Map information
Maps Maps
Massage Massage
Max Max
Max car speed limited Limited max. speed
Media Media
Message Auto Read Auto reading of messages
Messages Messages
Metric Metric
Medium Medium
Mirrors and Convenience Mirrors and comfort
Medium Medium
More than one key is found, put the key you want to connect on backup reader More than one key was found. Place key you want to connect on the backup reader.
Highways Motorways
Name Name
Navi Voice Guidance Navigation voice
Navigation Settings Settings Navigation
Network Network
Network name Network name
New apps New apps
New message New message
New software updates available See Download Center Software updates are available
Never Never
Never connect and never ask Never connect and never ask
News News
News Flash News flow
Next Next
Next info Next info
Next page Next page
Night Night
No ETC history available No history
No value available No value available
None None
Normal Normal
Normal mode Normal mode
Notification in centre display Notifications in centre display
Notification in driver display Notifications in driver display
Number Number
Off Off
On On
Opening hours Opening hours
Ordinary Road Ordinary road
Owner’s manual Owner’s manual
Parallel parking Parallel parking
Park Assist Parking assistance
Park Assist System Park Assist
Park In Drive in
Park Out Drive out
Parking brake Parking brake
Parking climate Parking climate
Particulate filter full Particulate filter is full
Passenger Passengers
Passenger airbag off Passenger airbag Off
Passenger airbag on Passenger airbag On
Password Password
Perpendicular parking Perpendicular parking
Phone Phone
Picture format Pict. format
Please acknowledge Please confirm
POI Point Of Interest (POI)
POI Along Route Point Of Interest (POI) along the route
Position Format Position format
Position: Position:
Postcode Postcode
Powertrain Characteristics Properties for driveline
Preconditioning Preconditioning
Prefecture Prefecture
Preferences Preferences
Press brake pedal to activate gear lever Depress the brake to activate the gear lever
Previous info Earlier info
Previous page Previous page
Previously paired devices Previously connected devices
Audio Language Audio language
Subtitle Language Subtitle language
Privacy Private call
Private Locking Private locking
Profile Profile
Profile connected to key The profile is connected to the key
Profile Name Profile name
Protect Profile Protect profile
Province Province
Public General
Radio favourites Radio Favourites
Rain Sensor Memory Memory for rain sensor
Read out Read out
Ready for refuelling Ready for refuelling
Rear Rear
Rear child lock Rear child safety lock
Rear climate Rear climate control
Rear Sun Curtain Rear sun blind
Rear View Instead of 360° Rear view instead of 360°
Received Received
Recent Last
Recirc Recirc
Recirculation Timer Recirculation timer
Recom. Recom.
Care Key Care key
Care Keys Care keys
Reduce speed to lower temperature Reduce speed to lower the temperature
Reduced Reduced
Reduced functionality Service required Reduced functionality Service required
Reduced Guard Reduced alarm level
Reduced performance Reduced performance
Regular maintenance Regular service
Remote and Interior Unlock Remote-controlled and inside unlocking
Reject Decline
Remotely immobilised Remote controlled immobiliser
Remove before start Remove before starting
Remove device Remove device
Removed from car Removed from car
Repeat Voice Command Repeat voice command
Repeat weekly Repeat weekly
Request appoint. Create request
Reset Reset
Reset for all profiles Reset for all profiles
Reset for the active profile Reset for active profile
Reset Personal Settings Reset personal preferences
Rest Stop Guidance Guidance to rest area
Restart Restart
Request appointment Book workshop
Phone Ringtone Ring signal
Right turn indicator malfunction Right direction indicators not working
Ringtones Ring signals
Show Road Sign Information Show Road Sign Information
Traffic Flash Road traffic information
Route and Guidance Route and road navigation
Route Learning Route learning
Automatic intervention Automatic intervention
Safety mode Safety mode
Save Save
Save current settings to the profile Save current settings to your profile
Saved networks Saved networks
Scenic Picturesque
Screen Touch Touch sound
Search Search
Seats Seats
See Owner’s manual See Owner’s Manual
Select Announcements Select messages
Select network operator Select service provider
Send Send
Send appointment request Send appointment request
Send car data Send car data
Send new proposal Send new request
Send request code Send code for request
Sensor blocked, see Owner’s manual Detector blocked, see Owner’s Manual
Sensors blocked, cleaning needed Detectors blocked, cleaning required
Service required Service required
Service urgent Drive to workshop Service immediately Drive to workshop
Services Services
Set as home region Set as home region
Set dest. Specify destination
Set Home address Specify home address
Settings Settings
Shoulder Shoulder
Congestion Information Congestion information
Show Driver Support Show driver support
Show information for current playing media Show information about currently playing media
Show Map Show map
Show navigation even if no route is set Show navigation even when no route is set
Show Navigation Show navigation
Show no information in background Do not show any information in the background
Show on map Show on map
Show parking and status on map Show parking and status on map
Show Phone Show phone
Show Program Related Images Show programme-related images
Show Broadcast Information Show information from radio broadcast
Traffic Events Traffic events
Shuffle Shuffle
Side bolsters Side support
SIM card PIN SIM card PIN code
Similar Similar
Single Door One door
Slow Slow
Download Centre Download Center
Sort order for contacts Sort order for contacts
Sort Services Sort channel list
Sound Sound
Sound Experience Audio experience
Sound Experience Audio experience
Speech Rate Speaking rate
Speed Speed
Speed and Volume Compensation Speed and volume compensation
Show Speed Cameras Show speed cameras
Speed limit exceeded Max. speed exceeded
Speed Limit Warning Speed warning
Speed limitation cannot be exceeded Speed limit cannot be exceeded
Speed Sign Assist Speed limit assistance
SRS airbag SRS airbag
Apply steering Steer the car
Start navigation Start navigation
Start/Stop Start/Stop
State State
Stations Stations
Status Status
Status Of Parking Parking status
Assist Steering assistance
Steering Force Steering force
Stop safely Stop ASAP
Stop safely, wait for cooling Stop as soon as possible and let the gearbox cool
Storage Storage
Streets Streets
Studio Studio
Off Subtitles
Subwoofer Subwoofer
Suspension Suspension
Suspension Control Shock absorption control
Swap call Switch calls
Swell Swell
Switch to mobile phone Switch to mobile phone
Synchronise temperature Synchronising temperature
System System
System check, wait System check, please wait
System overheated System overheated
System updates System updates
System Version: System version:
System Volumes System volumes
Take me home Drive home
Tap to write information to the workshop Here you can write information to your workshop
Temporarily off Temporarily switched off
Temporarily unavailable Temporarily unavailable
Temporary Left Hand Traffic Temporary left-hand traffic
Temporary Right Hand Traffic Temporary right-hand traffic
Territory Area
Text message tone Signal for text message
Text Messages Text messages
The car is now in normal mode The car is now in normal mode
Theme Colours Theme colours
Display Themes Display themes
Auto Third Row Climate Automatic third row climate control start
This function requires an internet connection and your mobile phone subscription will be charged for data traffic This function requires an Internet connection, and data traffic costs will be charged to your mobile subscription
Exterior Mirror Tilt at Reverse Angling of side mirror when reversing
Time for a break soon? Time to take a break soon?
Time for maintenance Time for regular maintenance
Toll Customs
Toll Roads Toll roads
Tone Tone
Total capacity: Less than 20 Total capacity: Less than 20
Total capacity: Over 1000 Total capacity: More than 1000
Towbar Towbar
Town City/town
Traffic Traffic
Traffic Announcements Traffic message
Traffic Arrow/Icon Display Traffic messages from radio beacons
Show and Handle Traffic Events Show traffic events
Traffic Provider: %s Traffic provider: %s
Trailer attached Trailer connected
Trailer brake light Trailer brake lights
Trailer turn indicator Trailer direction indicators
Transmission hot Gearbox overheated
Transmission warm Transmission hot
Transport Flash Transport information
Tread Increasing
Treble Treble
Tunnels Tunnel
Turn off engine Stop engine
TV-channels TV channels
Tyre needs air now Tyres should be inflated
Tyre Pressure Units Tyre pressure units
Tyre pressure low Low tyre pressure
Tyre pressure system Tyre pressure system
Unavailable Not available
Unavailable Charge level too low Not available Charge level too low
Unavailable Fuel level too low Not available Fuel level too low
Unavailable Service required Not available Service required
Unavailable, fuel and charge level too low Not available, charge and fuel levels too low
Uninstall Uninstall
Units of Measurement Measurement units
Unlock All Doors Unlock all doors
US American
Vibration Vibration
VICS Archive VICS Archive
VICS congestion information VICS congestion information
VICS Display VICS Display
VICS Interrupt VICS Interruption
VICS Motorway VICS Motorway
VICS Public VICS General
VICS Tuning VICS Setting
VICS Voice Guidance VICS voice guidance
Video Video
View old payments Read earlier ETC payments
Voice Control Voice control
Voice Guidance Level Level for voice guidance
Volvo Service Networks Volvo service network
Warning Warning
Warning/Services Warning/Services
Washer fluid Washer fluid
Welcome Light Approach light duration
Windscreen sensor Windscreen sensor
Wiper Service Position Service position for windscreen wiper
Wipers Windscreen wipers
Workshop Workshop
Workshop information Workshop information
Works only at certain speeds Only works at certain speeds
Zoom Zoom

Owner’s manual in centre display

The owner’s manual is available in the car’s centre display.

To learn about important safety instructions, and for as good an experience as possible, Volvo recommends that you read throughout all of the owner’s information under each category in the centre display before driving for the first time.

The driver is always responsible that the vehicle is driven safely in traffic and that applicable laws and regulations are followed. It is also important that the car is maintained and handled in accordance with Volvo’s recommendations in the owner’s information.

Finding information in the car’s centre display

You can access the owner’s manual in the following ways:

  • Swipe from the top and down on the centre display in order to open the top view.
  • Tap on Owner’s manual.

Find information by:

  • using the search function
  • navigating visually using exterior and interior images
  • clicking through categories.

The digital owner’s manual is not available while driving.

Changing the language in the centre display may mean that some owner information does not match national or local laws and regulations. Do not switch to a language that is difficult to understand, as this may make it difficult to find your way back through the structure on screen.

Shortcut to related owner’s information

There is a shortcut in the top view that opens an article in the owner’s manual that is related to the content shown on the screen. For example, Navigation Manual – is a shortcut to an article concerning navigation.

This only applies to some of the apps in the car. For downloaded third party apps, for example, it is not possible to access app-specific articles.

Printed information and support site

Depending on equipment level selected, market, etc. additional owner’s information may also be available in printed format in the car.

The associated supplement can be ordered. Contact a Volvo dealer to order.

The owner’s manual is also at volvocars.com/intl/support.

If the information in the digital owner’s manual and the printed supplement Featured articles from the owner’s manual differ, the printed information takes precedence.

Navigate in the owner’s manual in the centre display

The digital owner’s manual can be accessed from the centre display top view in the car. The content is searchable, and the various sections are designed to facilitate navigation.

The owner’s manual is accessed from the top view.

  • To open the owner’s manual – drag down the top view in the centre display and tap on Owner’s manual.

There is a range of different options for finding information in the owner’s manual. The options can be accessed from the owner’s manual homepage and from the top menu.

Opening the menu in the top menu

  1. Press in the upper list in the owner’s manual.

A menu with different options for finding information is opened:


Tap on the symbol to go back to the start page in the owner’s manual.


The articles in the owner’s manual are structured into main categories and subcategories. The same article can be found in several appropriate categories so that it can be found more easily.

  1. Press Categories.
    The main categories are shown in a list.
  2. Tap on a main category
    A list of subcategories and articles is shown.
  3. Tap on an article to open it.
  4. To go back, press the back arrow.

Quick Guide

Press the symbol to access a page with links to a selection of articles that can be useful to read in order to get to know the more common functions of the car. The articles can also be accessed via categories, but are collected here for faster access. Tap on an article in order to read it in its entirety.

Hotspots for exterior and interior

Exterior and interior overview images of the car. Different parts are designated with hotspots that lead to articles about those parts of the car.

  1. Press Exterior or Interior.
    1. Exterior or interior images are shown with so-called hotspots in place. The hotspot leads to articles about the corresponding part of the car. Swipe horizontally over the screen to browse among the images.
  2. Tap on a hotspot.
    1. The title of the article about the area is shown.
  3. Tap on the title to open the article.
    1. To go back, press the back arrow.


Press the symbol to access the articles saved as favourites. Tap on an article in order to read it in its entirety.

Saving or deleting articles as favourites

Save an article as a favourite by pressing at the top right when an article is open. When an article has been saved as a favourite the star is filled in:

To remove an article as a favourite, press the star again in the current article.


Press the symbol to view brief instruction videos for various functions in the car.


Tap on the symbol to obtain information about which version of the owner’s manual is available in the car as well as other useful information.

Using the search function in the top menu

  1. Tap on in the top menu of the owner’s manual. A keyboard appears in the lower part of the screen.
  2. Type in a keyword, such as “seatbelt”.
    1. Suggestions for articles and categories are shown while letters are being entered.
  3. Tap on the article or category to access it.
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