2021 Tesla Model X Traction Control Owners Manual

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2021 Tesla Model X Traction Control How It Works The traction control system constantly monitors the speed of the front and rear wheels. If Model X experiences a loss of traction, the system minimizes wheel spin by controlling brake pressure and motor power. By default, the traction control system is on. Under normal conditions, it should remain on … Read more

2021 Tesla Model X Park Assist Owners Manual

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2021 Tesla Model X Park Assist How Park Assist Works Model X has several sensors designed to detect the presence of objects. When driving slowly in Drive or Reverse (for example, when parking), the vehicle alerts you if an object is detected in close proximity of your Model X. Objects are only detected in your chosen direction; front objects … Read more

2021 Tesla Model X Vehicle Hold Owners Manual

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2021 Tesla Model X Vehicle Hold When Model X is stopped, Vehicle Hold can continue to apply the brakes even after you remove your foot from the brake pedal. When driving on a hill or on a flat surface, brake as you normally would. After coming to a complete stop, simply press the brake pedal again (until the instrument … Read more

2021 Tesla Model X Acceleration Modes Owners Manual

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2021 Tesla Model X Acceleration Modes Touch Controls > Pedals & Steering > Acceleration to choose a preferred acceleration mode: Chill limits acceleration for a slightly smoother and gentler ride. Note When Chill is selected, Chill displays on the instrument panel, above the driving speed. Sport provides the normal level of acceleration. Insane (called Plaid on performance vehicles) (if equipped) provides access to the maximum level of acceleration … Read more

2021 Tesla Model X Trip Information Owners Manual

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2021 Tesla Model X Trip Information Displaying Trip Information Trip information displays on the touchscreen when you touch Controls > Trips. For the current trip, you can display distance, duration and average energy usage. You can also show distance and total and average energy used since your last charge and for additional trips. To name or rename a … Read more

2021 Tesla Model X Lane Assist Owners Manual

2021 tesla model x FEATURED

2021 Tesla Model X Lane Assist Model X monitors the markers on the lane you are driving in as well as the surrounding areas for the presence of vehicles or other objects. When an object is detected in your blind spot or near the side of Model X (such as a vehicle, guard rail, etc.), the instrument panel displays colored lines radiating … Read more

2021 Tesla Model X Collision Avoidance Assist Owners Manual

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2021 Tesla Model X Collision-Avoidance Assist The following collision avoidance features are designed to increase the safety of you and your passengers: Forward Collision Warning – provides visual and audible warnings in situations when Model X detects that there is a high risk of a frontal collision (see Forward Collision Warning). Automatic Emergency Braking – automatically applies to brake to … Read more

2021 Tesla Model X Speed Assist Owners Manual

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2021 Tesla Model X Speed Assist How Speed Assist Works Model X displays a speed limit on the instrument panel and you can choose if and how you are warned when you exceed the speed limit. Also, instead of using the detected speed limit, you can base warnings on an arbitrary speed limit that you enter manually. In situations … Read more

2021 Tesla Model X Owners Manual

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2021 Tesla Model X Overview 2021 Tesla Model X Exterior Overview 2021 Tesla Model X Exterior Overview Instructions 2021 Tesla Model X Interior Overview 2021 Tesla Model X Interior Overview Owners Manual 2021 Tesla Model X Touchscreen Overview 2021 Tesla Model X Touchscreen Overview Owners Manual Opening and Closing 2021 Tesla Model X Keys 2021 … Read more