2022 Subaru Outback Off Road Driving User Manual

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2022 Subaru Outback Off-Road Driving

2022 Subaru Outback productOff-Road Driving


  • Always maintain a safe driving speed according to the road and weather conditions in order to avoid having an accident on a sharp turn, during sudden braking or under other similar conditions.
  • Always use the utmost care in driving – overconfidence because you are driving an All- Wheel Drive vehicle could easily lead to a serious accident.
  • In a rollover crash, an unbelted person is significantly more likely to die than a person wearing a seatbelt. The driver and all passengers should fasten their seatbelts before starting to drive in order to minimize the chance of serious injury or death.
  • Do not make sharp turns or quick maneuvers unless absolutely unavoidable. Such actions are dangerous, as you may lose control, possibly resulting in a rollover which could cause death or serious injury.
  • Whenever strong crosswinds are present, slow down sufficiently to maintain control of your vehicle. Remember that your vehicle, with its higher profile and center of gravity, is more likely to be affected by crosswinds than ordinary passenger cars.
  • Never attempt to drive through pools and puddles, or roads flooded with water. Water entering the engine air intake or the exhaust pipe or water splashing onto electrical parts may damage your vehicle and may cause it to stall. In this case, contact your SUBARU dealer immediately. Regardless of its depth, it can wash away the ground from under your tires, resulting in possible loss of traction and even vehicle rollover.

After driving on gravel roads or rough roads, check the undercarriage of the vehicle body for any damage, deformation, or paint removal. If you notice any irregularities, contact a SUBARU dealer for an inspection as soon as possible.


Your AWD vehicle is neither a conventional off-road vehicle nor an all-terrain vehicle. It is a passenger car designed primarily for on-road use. The AWD feature gives it some limited off-road capabilities in situations in which the driving surface is relatively level, obstruction-free, and otherwise similar to on-road driving conditions. Operating it under other than those conditions could subject the vehicle to excessive stress which might result in damage not eligible for repair under warranty. If you do take your SUBARU off road, you should review the common sense precautions in the next section (applicable to the Outback/Subaru Outback Wilderness) for general guidance. But please keep in mind that your vehicle’s off-road capabilities are more limited than those of the Outback/Subaru Outback Wilderness

Outback/Subaru Outback Wilderness

Frequent driving of an AWD model under hard-driving conditions such as rough roads or off roads will necessitate more frequent replacement of the following items than that specified in the maintenance schedule described in the “Warranty and Maintenance Booklet.”

  • Engine oil
  • Brake fluid

Remember that damage done to your SUBARU while operating it off-road and not using common-sense precautions such as those listed above is not eligible for warranty coverage.

Your vehicle is classified as a utility vehicle. A utility vehicle features a high ground clearance and may be equipped with off-road tires (Subaru Outback Wilderness models only), which enable the vehicle to be used for a wider range of applications. Because of the AWD feature and higher ground clearance, you can drive your SUBARU on ordinary roads or off-road. It handles and maneuvers differently from many passenger vehicles both on-road and off-road, so take time to become familiar with your vehicle. Note, however, that your vehicle is not a conventional off-road vehicle or an all-terrain vehicle, and it should not be operated like one. A higher center of gravity in relation to the tread width as compared with ordinary passenger cars makes vehicles of this type more likely to roll over. In reality, utility vehicles have a significantly higher rollover rate than other types of vehicles. The high ground clearance of this vehicle is a real advantage, giving you a better view of the road and allowing you to anticipate problems earlier. However, remember that your utility vehicle is not designed for highspeed cornering comparable to ordinary passenger cars and that your vehicle could roll over if you make a sharp turn at high speed. If you do take your SUBARU offroad, certain common-sense precautions such as those in the following list should be taken.

Before driving

  • Make certain that you and all of your passengers are wearing seatbelts.
  • Carry some emergency equipment, such as a towing rope or chain, a shovel, wheel blocks, a first aid kit, and a cell phone or citizens band radio.
  • Secure all cargo carried inside the vehicle and make certain that it is not piled higher than the seatbacks. During sudden stops or jolts, unsecured cargo could be thrown around in the vehicle and cause injury. Do not pile heavy loads on the roof. Those loads raise the vehicle’s center of gravity and make it more prone to tip over.
  • Never equip your vehicle with tires larger than those specified in this manual.

During driving

General precautions

  • Drive carefully. Do not take unnecessary risks by driving in dangerous areas or over rough terrain.
  • Slow down and employ extra caution at all times. When driving off-road, you will not have the benefit of marked traffic lanes, banked curves, traffic signs and the like.
  • Do not drive across steep slopes. Instead, drive either straight up or straight down the slopes. A vehicle can much more easily tip over sideways than it can end over end. Avoid driving straight up or down slopes that are too steep.
  • Avoid sharp turning maneuvers, especially at higher speeds.
  • Do not grip the inside or spokes of the steering wheel. A bad bump could jerk the wheel and injure your hands. Instead, drive with your fingers and thumbs on the outside of the rim.
  • Do not drive or park over or near flammable materials such as dry grass or fallen leaves, as they may burn easily. The exhaust system is very hot while the engine is running and right after the engine stops. This could create a fire hazard. Precautions when driving in especially dangerous situations:
  • When driving over bumps in the road, drive as slowly as possible to avoid damaging the wheels, underside of the vehicle, etc.
  • If driving through water, such as when crossing shallow streams:
    • First, check the depth of the water and the bottom of the stream bed for firmness.
    • Next, ensure that the bed of the stream is flat.
    • Then, drive slowly and completely through the stream. The water should be shallow enough that it does not reach the vehicle’s undercarriage.
  • If you must rock the vehicle to free it from sand or mud, depress the accelerator pedal slightly and move the select lever back and forth between “D” and “R” repeatedly. Do not race the engine. For the best possible traction, avoid spinning the wheels when trying to free the vehicle.
  • Do not perform the following operations. Doing so may cause the transmission to overheat or malfunction.
    • Depressing the accelerator pedal and brake pedal at the same time while the select lever is in a position other than “P” or “N”.
    • Depressing the accelerator to hold the vehicle in a stationary position while on a slope and while the select lever is in a position other than “P” or “N”.
    • Trying repeatedly to drive over a bump that the vehicle cannot climb over.
  • When the road surface is extremely slippery, you can obtain better traction by starting the vehicle with the transmission in 2nd than 1st. Refer to “Selection of Manual Mode” P355.
  • Do not rotate the tires at a high speed if the vehicle is stuck due to muddy, snowy, icy, or similar low-traction conditions, or if any tire is not touching the ground. Doing so may cause the tires to burst or lead to an accident due to abnormal overheating or damage to drivetrain components.
  • On rough roads and roads with large undulations, have a leader guide you, or check the road surface in advance to select a road where the ground will not come in contact with the undercarriage of the vehicle body.
  • Drive the vehicle at 6 mph (10 km/h) or less. If you hear any abnormal noise while driving, contact a SUBARU dealer for an inspection as soon as possible.
  • Do not allow the vehicle tires to be submerged in deep sand, a river, or seawater. If you have to drive under these conditions, thoroughly wash the vehicle after driving. If you hear any abnormal noise while driving, contact a SUBARU dealer for an inspection as soon as possible.
  • If the wheels are stuck, cutting the steering wheel at a sharp angle may cause the steering components to be deformed. If you hear any abnormal noise while driving or if you notice any abnormalities due to rough running, contact a SUBARU dealer for an inspection as soon as possible.
  • Avoid driving over curbs. Tires, wheels, suspensions, and the mechanical components under the vehicle body may be unnoticeably damaged by the impact of striking a curb or driving on a rough road. If driving over a curb is unavoidable, ride over it slowly and at a right angle to the curb. When parking your vehicle, make sure that the tires are not pressed against the curb.
  • Do not drive for a long time while the vehicle is tilted to the left or right.

After driving

  • Always check your brakes for effectiveness immediately after driving in sand, mud, or water. Do this by driving slowly and stepping on the brake pedal. Repeat that process several times to dry out the brake discs and brake pads.
  • After driving through tall grass, mud, rocks, sand, rivers, etc., check that there is no grass, bush, paper, rags, stones, sand, etc. adhering to or trapped on the underbody. Clear off any such matter from the underbody. If the vehicle is used with these materials trapped or adhering to the underbody, a mechanical breakdown or fire could occur.
  • Wash the vehicle’s underbody after offroad driving. Suspension components are particularly prone to dirt buildup, so they need to be washed thoroughly.

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