2022 Polestar 2 Sirius XM Satellite Radio Owners Manual

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2022 Polestar 2 Sirius XM satellite radio


SiriusXM® Satellite radio*

The SiriusXM® Satellite system broadcasts from of a number of high elevation satellites in geosynchronous orbit.
Starting SiriusXM
The SiriusXM app can be started via the center display or via voice control.

Via the center display:

  • Start the SiriusXM app from Home view or App view.

  • Select the desired station from the list of available stations, favorites or categories.

If no subscription is activated, press station 0 which shows your radio ID. In the Now Playing view, you are prompted on the screen to call SiriusXM to activate the subscription you want. The radio ID can also be found under the settings page for SiriusXM where subscription status information can also be found.

When the subscription has been activated you can select to listen to a desired station in the SiriusXM app.

Using SiriusXM® Satellite radio*

SiriusXM Satellite radio offers several features for finding and listening to music, news, sporting events, etc. being broadcast on satellite radio stations.
Setting favoritesSiriusXM station can be added to the list of favorites, which has its own tab in the SiriusXM app.

To save a stations as a favorite:

  • Open the SiriusXM app from Home view or App view.
  • Tap the star 2022-Polestar-2-Sirius-XM-satellite-radio-fig-2 next to the station you want to add to the list of favorites. The star becomes solid orange to indicate that the selection has been confirmed.

> The station is added to the list of favorites.

The stations are placed in numerical order.

To remove a station from the list of favorites, tap the star again. The orange color will disappear to confirm that the station has been removed from the list of favorites.

It is also possible to add and remove favorites from the Now-playing view, which can be accessed by expanding the Now-playing field to full-screen view.

SiriusXM® Satellite radio functions
Pressing the magnifying glass displays a search view where you can enter digits using the center display’s keyboard and search for a station number.
Pressing the gear wheel displays settings for SiriusXM. Here you will find settings about your subscription, radio ID and setting to hide or show stations in the station list that you no longer subscribe to.
Tap the station tab display a complete list of the stations included in your subscription. Tap a channel name to listen. If a subscription to a channel has expired, its name will be grayed-out on the screen. For quick access to a channel that you often listen to, tap the star to the right of the channel’s name. It will then be added to your list of favorites.
Tap the favorites tab to display the stations that you have added to this list. Tap a station to listen.
CategoriesTap a category tab to display the categories available. Tap a category to display the stations that it contains and then tap a station to listen.

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