2021 Polestar 1 Passing Assistance Owners Manual

2021 Polestar 1-LOGO

2021 Polestar 1 Passing assistant2021 Polestar 1-PRODUCT

Passing assistance*

Passing assistance can assist the driver when passing other vehicles. The function can be used with Adaptive Cruise Control* or Pilot Assist*.

When Adaptive Cruise Control or Pilot Assist is following another vehicle and you indicate that you intend to pass that vehicle by using the left direction indicator, the system will begin accelerating toward the vehicle ahead before your vehicle has moved into the passing lane.

The function will then delay a speed reduction to avoid early braking as your vehicle approaches a slower-moving vehicle.

The function remains active until your vehicle has passed the other vehicle.


Please note that this function can be activated in more situations than just passing another vehicle, such as when a direction indicator is used to indicate a lane change or before exiting to another road – the vehicle will then briefly accelerate.

  • The function is supplementary driver support intended to facilitate driving and help make it safer – it cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.
  • The driver is advised to read all sections in the Manual about this function to learn of its limitations, which the driver must be aware of before using the function.
  • Driver support functions are not a substitute for the driver’s attention and judgment. The driver is always responsible for ensuring the vehicle is driven in a safe manner, at the appropriate speed, with an appropriate distance to other vehicles, and in accordance with current traffic rules and regulations.
* Optional/accessory – The equipment described in the Manual is not available in all cars – the cars have different equipment depending on adaptations for the needs of different markets and national or local laws and regulations.

Using passing assistance*

Passing assistance can be used with Adaptive Cruise Control* or Pilot Assist*. In order to activate passing assistance:
  • your vehicle must be following a vehicle ahead (target vehicle)
  • your vehicle’s current speed must be at least 70 km/h (43 mph)
  • the set speed must be high enough to safely pass another vehicle.

To start passing assistance:

  • Turn on the left turn signal.

> Passing assistance will start.


The driver should be aware that if conditions suddenly change when using Passing Assistance, the function may implement an undesired acceleration in certain conditions.

Some situations should be avoided, e.g. if:

  • the vehicle is approaching an exit in the same direction as passing would normally occur
  • the vehicle ahead slows before your vehicle has had time to switch to the passing lane
  • traffic in the passing lane slows down

You can help prevent situations of this type by putting the Adaptive Cruise Control or Pilot Assist in standby mode.

* Optional/accessory – The equipment described in the Manual is not available in all cars – the cars have different equipment depending on adaptations for the needs of different markets and national or local laws and regulations.

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