2023 Land Rover New Range Rover Sport Parking Features Owner Manual

2023 Land Rover New Range Rover Sports Parking Features


Make sure the following warnings and cautions have been read and fully understood before driving the vehicle.

Failure to use the parking system safely could result in damage to the vehicle, or an accident, leading to serious injury or death.

  • The sensors for the parking system do not detect moving objects, such as children and animals until the objects are too close. The driver is responsible for driving with due care and attention during low-speed maneuvers.
  • The parking system is a driving aid only. The driver is responsible for driving with due care and attention during low-speed maneuvers.
  • The driver must maintain full control of the accelerator and brake pedals throughout low-speed maneuvers.
  • All sensors must be kept clean and free from debris or obstructions, e.g., leaves, mud, snow, ice, frost, or insects. Failure to keep the sensors clean may result in sensor miscalculation or false indications.
  • The parking system must not be used if a sensor is damaged, or the bumper is damaged sufficiently enough to affect a sensor mounting point. Failing to follow these guidelines may result in sensor miscalculation or false indications.
  • The parking system must not be used if a sensor is obstructed by items attached to the vehicle, e.g., bumper covers, a bicycle rack, or stickers. Failing to follow these guidelines may result in sensor miscalculations or false indications.
  • Although the park assist system controls the vehicle movement during a parking maneuver, the driver must maintain full control of the accelerator and brake pedals throughout. When the maneuver is not as expected, take control of the steering and make any necessary adjustments.
  • When intending to use remote park assist for a parking maneuver, do not exit the vehicle until the system provides the instruction to do so.
  • Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the touchscreen. See TOUCHSCREEN SAFETY.
  • The parking system sensors may also be externally influenced by noise generated from air brakes, emergency vehicles, motorcycles, pneumatic drills, and high wind. The driver is responsible for driving with due care and attention during low-speed maneuvers.
  • The sensors for the parking system may not detect some obstructions. For example, narrow posts or small objects close to the ground. Objects above sensor level may not be detected, e.g., when approaching a flatbed truck, the protruding part of the flatbed may not be detected. Additionally, the parking system operation may be limited, when maneuvering the vehicle near wooden objects, e.g., a wooden post.
  • Park assist must not be used if a temporary spare wheel is in use.
  • Park assist must not be used if the vehicle is being used to transport a load that extends beyond the vehicle’s perimeter.
  • Do not aim a high-pressure water jet directly at any of the sensors when washing the vehicle. Only use approved vehicle shampoo. Do not use abrasive materials, or hard or sharp objects, to clean the sensors. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in damage to the system or cause a system fault.
  • Particular care must be taken when using the parking feature if accessories are fitted to the front or rear of the vehicle. For example, a bicycle rack is mounted in a position where it obstructs the operation of the parking sensor(s). If the affected sensor(s) is obstructed, the sensor(s) only indicates the distance from the bumper to the bicycle rack. Any obstacle beyond the detected accessory may not be indicated on the touchscreen display.


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the parking features. See PARKING SAFETY.
At vehicle start-up, the parking sensors may not detect low or high objects, even if the objects were detected during the original parking maneuver.
When the parking aid system is active, the system only provides warning tones when a threat is detected.
Only vehicles with 360° parking aid detect objects along the sides of the vehicle. Vehicles without 360° parking aid only detect objects front and rear of the vehicle.

The parking aid system works in conjunction with the camera system. The parking aid system assists the driver while maneuvering the vehicle at low speed in confined spaces.

A 360° vehicle plan view displays detected objects along the front, rear, and sides of the vehicle, when active. Object tracking is also used along the sides of the vehicle to monitor the vehicle’s blind spots. If a detected object is calculated to be a collision threat, it is displayed as a colored line over a black background. The distance from a collision threat is color-coded: yellow to amber to red, with red being the closest. Other detected objects that are not a collision threat are displayed as gray lines. Any detected objects considered a collision threat will trigger repeating warning tones. The warning tones increase in intensity as the collision threat becomes closer. The warning tones become continuous when the object is within 200 mm of the vehicle. Warning tones sound from the area in which a collision threat has been detected. While the vehicle is passing an object within its sensor range, the vehicle’s integrated systems calculate its steering trajectory. The touchscreen displays the trajectory lines on the 360° vehicle plan view and the camera main screen. The steering trajectory lines indicate the projected path of the vehicle, based on the current steering wheel position. See ON-ROAD CAMERA VIEWS.


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the parking features. See PARKING SAFETY.

The parking aid system activates automatically when icon¹ is displayed on the touchscreen’s passenger sidebar. See PASSENGER SIDE BAR ICONS.

When a collision threat is detected, the touchscreen automatically displays a 360° vehicle plan view. A warning tone also sounds.

The parking aid system’s automatic parking aid alerts default state is on. To switch off the automatic parking aid, complete the following steps:

  1. Touch the settings icon from any screen. See SYSTEM SETTINGS.
  2. Select Vehicle.
  3. Select Driver Assistance.
  4. Select Low-speed maneuvering.
  5. Automatic parking aid: Touch to switch the toggle on or off.

To activate the parking aid system manually, touch the camera icon². See PASSENGER SIDE BAR ICONS.

Automatic parking aid icon.¹

Camera icon without automatic parking aid.²


To adjust the volume of the parking aid warning tones, rotate the media volume control while the tones are active. See AUDIO STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS.

Touch the volume icon on the 360° vehicle plan view, to mute the warning tones for that maneuver only. See ON-ROAD CAMERA VIEWS.


The parking aid system is deactivated and cannot be reactivated if:

  • The vehicle’s speed is greater than 10 mph (16 km/h).
  • Park (P) is selected.
  • There is a system fault.

The parking aid system warning tones do not sound and the automatic parking aid is unavailable if:

  • An off-road driving program is selected. See TERRAIN RESPONSE OVERVIEW.
  • The off-road camera view is displayed. See OFF-ROAD CAMERA VIEWS.


If a parking aid system fault is detected, a red border displays on the 360° vehicle plan view. See ON-ROAD CAMERA VIEWS.

If all of the sensors are clean and the fault is not rectified after the vehicle’s electrical system is restarted, contact a retailer/authorized repairer.


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the parking features. See PARKING SAFETY.
During any park assist maneuver, the parking aid system remains active and emits a warning tone when objects are detected as a collision threat. See PARKING AID SYSTEM.
All of the doors and the tailgate must be securely closed when using park assist.

The park assist system is an aid that detects available parking spaces and maneuvers the vehicle into parallel and perpendicular parking spaces. The park assist system controls the vehicle movement during a maneuver using the steering, acceleration, gear selection, and braking.

The park assist system comprises of five main modes:

  1. Parallel parking: For reversing into a parking space that is parallel to the carriageway.
  2. Perpendicular parking: For reversing or driving forward into a parking space that is at a 90° angle to the carriageway.
  3. Parallel park exit: For exiting a parking space that is parallel to the carriageway’s direction of travel.
  4. Perpendicular park exit: For exiting a parking space that is 90° to the carriageway.
  5. Remote park assist: Allows the driver to perform all of the previously identified park assist parking modes from outside of the vehicle using a remote device, such as a smartphone. Remote park assist also enables the driver to control the vehicle by remote device to perform a forward and backward maneuver which, for example, is useful for parking in a residential garage. See REMOTE PARK ASSIST.


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the parking features. See PARKING SAFETY.

To begin a parallel or a perpendicular parking maneuver:

  1. Touch the park assist icon¹ to activate the system. See TOUCHSCREEN HOME MENU.
  2. The touchscreen displays a park assist screen with available and pre-detected parking spaces.
  3. The park assist system automatically selects a parking space for the driver.
  4. If the pre-selected space is okay, touch the Start soft key on the touchscreen to begin the park assist maneuver.
  5. Alternatively, if the pre-selected parking space or proposed maneuver is not okay, select the desired parking space and maneuver orientation via the touchscreen. See USING PARK ASSIST.
  6. The touchscreen displays all park assist instructions.
  7. To cancel an active park assist maneuver at any point, apply any of the following before touching the Cancel soft key on the touchscreen:

    Apply the foot brake to stop the vehicle.

    Hold the steering wheel in position.

    Touch the Pause soft key on the touchscreen.

To begin a parallel or perpendicular park exit maneuver:

  1. Touch the park assist icon¹ to activate the system after the vehicle’s electrical system has been started.
  2. The touchscreen displays a park assist screen for park exit with detected park exit position(s).
  3. The park assist system automatically selects a park exit position for the driver.
  4. If the pre-selected exit direction is not acceptable, select the correct maneuver and direction wanted using the touchscreen or direction indicator.
  5. When the pre-selected park exit position is correct, touch the Start soft key on the touchscreen to begin the park assist maneuver.
  6. The touchscreen displays all park assist instructions.
  7. The park assist system instructs the driver when manual driving can resume.
    Until confirmation is received, please follow the on-screen instructions.
  8. To cancel an active park assist maneuver at any point, press the pause button or brake the vehicle to stop. Alternatively, touch the park assist icon¹.

Park assist icon.¹


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the parking features. See PARKING SAFETY.
For park assist to search effectively for a space, the park assist system must maintain a distance of 1.6 ft to 4.9 ft (0.5 m to 1.5 m). The distance of 1.6 ft to 4.9 ft (0.5 m to 1.5 m) is between the vehicle and the row of parked vehicles or obstacles.

As the vehicle is driven forward, the size of a potential parking space is assessed.

The park assists auto-searching feature becomes active when the vehicle’s speed is less than 18 mph (30 km/h).

When park assist auto-searching is active, the instrument panel menu displays a park assist auto-search icon¹.

The auto-searching feature detects parallel or perpendicular spaces before the park assist icon² is selected. The touchscreen displays a park assist screen with any pre-detected parking spaces in blue. An instruction message is also displayed.

When the park assist screen is displayed and the parking space has been identified, the park assist system provides a short confirmation tone.

The park assist screen displays any detected parking spaces that are too small or non-maneuverable gray.

If more than one valid space is displayed on the park assist screen, touch the preferred parking space to change from the current selected parking space.

The park assist system may determine that other vehicles are too close, on either side, to perform a parking maneuver. A detected space can be rejected, even if it is large enough for the vehicle. The driver retains the option to switch park assist off and attempt the maneuver manually.

The park assists auto-search feature aids the driver by searching for any available parking spaces. In order to use park assist, the park assist system must still be activated via the touchscreen. See SELECTING PARK ASSIST.

The instrument panel only displays the park assist auto-search icon¹ when the vehicle is driven under 18 mph (30 km/h) and the park assist system is searching for spaces.

The following images display the different states of the park assist auto-search icons in the instrument panel:

No valid parking slots.

Valid parking space on the right.

Valid parking space on the left.

Valid parking spaces on both sides.


Select the park assist icon. See SELECTING PARK ASSIST.

The park assist system automatically determines the most appropriate park exit maneuver when in a parked position.

The driver can override the type of park exit maneuver using the soft keys on the touchscreen to switch from either parallel to perpendicular or perpendicular to parallel.

The driver may also override the direction of the park exit maneuver by switching between performing a park exit maneuver either forwards or backward.

Using the turn signals, the driver can override the pre-selected side for a park exit maneuver. The operated turn signals notify the park assist system of which side the driver intends to leave the parking space.

For the park exit mode to operate correctly, the vehicle must be parked in a space where other vehicles or objects are either:

  • Parked in front of the vehicle.
  • Parked in front and behind the vehicle.

In the event of a park exit maneuver interruption, the driver can resume the maneuver by selecting the Resume soft key. Alternatively, the driver can return to the original parked position by selecting the Return to Start soft key.

Sufficient space is required around the vehicle for park exit mode to operate correctly.

At the end of a park exit maneuver, the touchscreen informs the driver to resume manual driving of the vehicle. The driver can apply the accelerator when the touchscreen displays the instruction.

On application of the accelerator or input on the steering at this stage of the park exit maneuver, the driver immediately regains manual driving control of the vehicle without ceasing motion of the vehicle.

If the driver does not respond to the instruction to resume manual driving, then the park assist system will maneuver the vehicle out of the parking space to the driver’s nominated end position and stop.

During any park assist maneuver, the parking aid system remains active.
The park assist system controls the steering, acceleration, braking, and gear changes to assist the driver when using the park assist feature. The driver can use the brake pedal to slow the speed of any park assist maneuver while the maneuver is in progress.
Although the application of the brake pedal will slow the maneuvering speed, the continued brake pedal application when the maneuver comes to rest normally to change direction will induce the feature to pause.

For all park assist modes, follow the instructions on the touchscreen until the maneuver is complete.

A park assist maneuver may be interrupted by the following:

  • The parking aid system detects a potential collision risk.
  • Driver input via the steering wheel.
  • Vehicle pedals actuation. For example, the driver presses the brake pedal.
  • Gear selection intervention.
  • The vehicle doors or tailgate are open.

Before completing a park assist maneuver, the steered wheels automatically turn towards the curb.

In the event of a park assist maneuver interruption, the driver can resume the maneuver by selecting the Resume soft key. Alternatively, the driver can return to the start of the maneuver by selecting the Return To Start soft key.

If the park assist maneuver is interrupted for too long without any driver input, the park assist maneuver is automatically canceled and will have to begin the process again.

A park assist maneuver cancels if:

  • The park assist icon² is touched. See SELECTING PARK ASSIST.
  • The displayed Cancel soft key is selected via the touchscreen.
  • The parking aid system’s warning tone sounds for longer than 10 seconds.
  • The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is active.
  • A parallel parking maneuver has exceeded the maximum of 9 shuffles.
  • A perpendicular parking maneuver has exceeded the maximum of 7 shuffles.
  • The park assist instructions are not followed.
  • The vehicle’s speed exceeds 4 mph (7 km/h).
  • The parking maneuver has been interrupted for longer than 2 minutes.
  • The vehicle has been driven by selecting a gear and engaging the accelerator.

If a system fault is detected, a continuous tone sounds and the touchscreen displays a warning message. If all of the sensors are clean and the fault is not rectified after the vehicle’s electrical system is restarted, contact a retailer/authorized repairer.

Park assist auto-search icon.¹

Park assist icon.²


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the parking features. See PARKING SAFETY.

The remote park assist feature comprises five modes:

  1. Remote parallel parking: For reversing into a parking space that is parallel to the carriageway.
  2. Remote perpendicular parking: For reversing or driving forward into a parking space that is at a 90° angle to the carriageway.
  3. Remote parallel park exit: For exiting a parking space that is parallel to the carriageway’s direction of travel.
  4. Remote perpendicular park exit: For exiting a parking space that is 90° to the carriageway.
  5. Direct forward or backward: For performing a direct forward or backward maneuver which, for example, is useful for parking in a residential garage.
To begin a remote parking parallel or perpendicular parking maneuver before exiting the vehicle:
  1. Touch the park assist icon¹ to activate the system.
  2. The touchscreen displays a park assist screen with available and pre-detected parking spaces.
  3. The park assist system automatically selects a parking space for the driver.
  4. If the pre-selected space is okay, touch the remote park assist icon¹ to begin the transition to remote parking mode.
  5. Alternatively, if the pre-selected parking maneuver is not okay, select the alternative maneuver via the touchscreen. See USING PARK ASSIST.
  6. The touchscreen displays the next instruction to follow, which will be to exit the vehicle and open the remote parking application on a remote device.
  7. Follow the instructions on the remote device to complete the remote parking maneuver.
  8. To cancel the maneuver, touch the Cancel soft key on the touchscreen, or the maneuver can be canceled from the Land Rover Remote Park Assist smartphone app.

To begin a remote parallel or perpendicular park exit maneuver, or a straight forward or backward maneuver before entering the vehicle:

  1. Unlock the vehicle.
  2. Open the Land Rover Remote Park Assist smartphone app.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to select and perform the maneuver desired.
  4. Once the maneuver is completed, return to the vehicle and begin to drive normally.
  5. At any time, the maneuver can be canceled by first releasing the maneuver operation icon² on the Land Rover Remote Park Assist smartphone app, entering the vehicle and driving manually.
The driver must remain within a fixed distance surrounding the car of approximately 8 ft (2.5 m) for remote park assist to operate.
The vehicle’s maneuvering speed when in remote mode is deliberately slower than that of a driver manually maneuvering the vehicle.
To successfully use remote park assist, the smartphone being used must have a minimum of 5% battery prior to a maneuver being started.

The driver must pair a smartphone for the remote park assist feature to operate correctly. See LAND ROVER REMOTE PARK ASSIST SMARTPHONE APP.

In order to use remote park assist for a parking maneuver, an available parking space must be identified. See SELECTING PARK ASSIST.

When a remote device successfully pairs with the vehicle, the touchscreen displays to the driver an additional type of parking space. The remote park assists icon¹ displays only on the touchscreen if the remote park assist feature is available to maneuver for the type of space.

A remote park exit or remote direct forward or backward maneuver does not rely on such a prerequisite and can be launched directly from the smartphone app.

For assistance with direct forward or backward remote maneuver

The direct forward or backward maneuver will perform a level of corrective steering to account for smaller objects. The maneuver will also help to align if the side of the vehicle to identifiable fixed structures. If an object cannot be maneuvered around then the vehicle is stopped. The driver is notified that there is an obstacle preventing the progress of the vehicle.

On completion of a remote parking maneuver

At the end of a park assist maneuver, the driver will be presented with several options. The options include:

  • Return to start: The vehicle will be moved from its current position to where the maneuver was started from. This is only available for parallel or perpendicular maneuvers.
  • Cancel: This will cancel the maneuver immediately.
  • Perform another maneuver: The driver can perform another remote parking maneuver. This option is only available when a direct forward or direct backward maneuver is performed.
  • Switch off and lock: This will switch off the vehicle’s electrical system and secure the vehicle doors.

Although the park assist system controls the steering, acceleration, braking, and gear changes to assist the driver to park in to a parking space, in the case that any of the main driving controls are operated from inside the vehicle during a remote park assist maneuver, the remote park assist operation will cease.

A remote park assist maneuver may be interrupted by the following:
  • The maneuver operation icon² is released on the remote device application.
  • The driver exits or re-enters the vehicle outside of the detectable range of the vehicle approximately 8 ft (2.5 m).
  • The parking aid system detects a potential collision risk.
  • Any of the steering wheel, brakes, gear, or accelerator are operated from within the vehicle.
  • A smart key button press is detected.
  • Any of the vehicle doors are opened.
  • The Pause soft key on the touchscreen is touched.
  • The connection between the vehicle and the driver’s remote device is lost.
  • The driver’s remote device accepts an incoming call.
  • An object is too close to the vehicle.
If the park assist maneuver is interrupted for too long without any driver input, the park assist maneuver is automatically canceled and will have to begin the process again.

Remote park assists icon.¹

Maneuver operation icon.²


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the parking features. See PARKING SAFETY.
If an approved tow bar is fitted, park assist adjusts to compensate for the extra length.

The park assist system is not available if:

  • The vehicle’s speed is greater than 18 mph (30 km/h).
  • All Terrain Progress Control (ATPC) is active.
  • Reverse (R) is selected.
  • The door mirrors are folded.
  • Wade’s sensing is active.
  • There is a system fault.
  • A trailer is connected.

The park assist system may provide inaccurate results if:

  • The size or shape of the parking space changes after it was measured.
  • There is an irregular curb alongside the parking space, or the curb is covered with leaves or snow.
  • The vehicle is being used to transport a load that extends beyond the perimeter of the vehicle.
  • The sensors are misaligned due to a minor collision or impact.
  • The vehicle had a repair or alteration that was not approved by a retailer/authorized repairer.
  • The vehicle is fitted with non-approved wheels or tires.
  • The vehicle’s tire pressures are not set to the vehicle’s recommended specification.
  • The vehicle’s tires have significant tire wear.
  • The vehicle is fitted with replacement tires. After the normal running-in period, the system adapts to the replacement tires.
  • One of the parked vehicles has an attachment at a raised height such as a flatbed truck, snow plow, or hoist.
  • The parking space is located on a corner or bend.
  • The sensors are dirty or covered in mud, ice, or snow.
  • The weather is foggy, raining, or snowing.
  • The road surface is uneven or rutted.
  • The vehicle encounters an obstruction that is thin or wedge-shaped.
  • The vehicle encounters an obstruction that is elevated and/or protruding, such as ledges or tree branches.
  • The vehicle encounters an obstruction with corners and sharp edges.
  • A non-approved tow bar or trailer hitch is fitted.
  • The sensors are in close proximity to hot exhaust gases from nearby vehicles.
  • The sensors are in close proximity to noise generated from emergency vehicles and motorcycles.
  • The sensors have been damaged during vehicle cleaning.
  • The suspension height is set to off-road.
  • The door mirrors are not unfolded correctly.


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before operating the parking features. See PARKING SAFETY.

The following may be a reason why the park assist system is not searching for a parking space:

  • The vehicle may be traveling above 18 mph (30 km/h).
  • The sensors may be covered or partially obscured by dirt, mud, ice, or snow.
  • The approach angle may not be suitable.
  • The park assists auto-search icon is switched off in the feature settings. See USING PARK ASSIST.
  • The vehicle may be on or near a carriageway.

The following may be a reason why the park assist system does not offer a certain parking space:

  • The sensors may be covered or partially obscured by dirt, mud, ice, or snow.
  • The space may not be large enough to accommodate the vehicle.
  • There may not be enough space on the opposite side of the vehicle for the front to swing out during the maneuver.
  • The vehicle may have been driven more than 5 ft (1.5 m) from the row of parked vehicles.
  • The vehicle may have been driven within 16 in (41 cm) of the row of parked vehicles.
  • The vehicle may have been driven in Reverse (R). Park assist searches for a parking space only when the vehicle is in Drive (D).
  • The approach angle may not be suitable.

The park assist may not position the vehicle accurately within the space if one or more of the system limitations criteria may have been met. See PARK ASSIST LIMITATIONS.

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