2022 Kawasaki KX112 Break-In Owners Manual


2022 Kawasaki KX112 Break-In

2022 Kawasaki KX112 pro


A brief break-in procedure must be carried out to obtain the proper operating clearances in the engine and transmission, which are necessary for performance and reliability.

Fuel (Only during break-in)

  • 16:1 (Gasoline: Engine Oil)

For the first hour or 20 km (12 miles) of operation, run the engine at low and moderate engine speeds. See details below.

The low-speed operation during the break-in period may cause carbon to build up on and fou the spark plug. If so, replace the standard spark plug with a hotter spark plug for the duration of the break-in period.

Recommended Spark Plug

  • Standard Plug  NGK R6252K-105
  • Hotter Plug  NGK BR9EVX

Break in the engine as follows.

  • Temperature-and altitude-related mixture adjustment.
  • Start the engine and let it idle until it is thoroughly warmed up.
  • Stop and let the engine cool completely
  • Start the engine and ride the motorcycle for 10 minutes at moderate speed NEVER ACCEL ERATE HARD.
  • Stop and let the engine cool completely. Be sure to check and adjust the chain slack and spoke tightness and carry out a general inspection.
  • Start the engine and ride the motorcycle for 20 minutes at moderate speed NEVER ACcCEL ERATE HARD.
  • Stop and let the engine cool completely. Check and adjust as in step 5. Then, drain the coolant, and remove and inspect the cylinder head, cylinder, and piston.
  • Piston:
    • A scored piston skirt could lower engine performance or damage the cylinder wall. Scores on the piston skirt should be smoothed with a #400 to #600 emery cloth.
  • Cylinder:
    • Decarbonize the exhaust ports and the upper part of the cylinder, taking care not to damage the cylinder wall. Scores on the cylinder wall should be smoothed with a #4000 to #600 emery cloth.
  • Cylinder Head:
    • Remove the carbon inside the combustion chamber.
  • Install the removed parts.
  • Fill the radiator up to the bottom of the radiator filler neck with coolant. Before putting the motorcycle into operation, bleed the cooling system. 10. Start the engine and ride the motorcycle for 30 minutes at moderate speed NEVER ACCEL ERATE HARD.
  • Stop and let the engine cool completely. Check and adjust as in step 5.
  • After the break-in procedure has been properly carried out, the motorcycle is ready for regular operation. techniques and avoiding recklessly high engine speeds will keep the engine trouble-free.


  • After break-in, install a new standard spark plug and change the transmission oil.
  • To keep optimum engine performance, replace the piston ring after a break-in.

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