2022 Jeep Wrangler Diesel Engine Break-In Recommendations


2022 Jeep Wrangler Diesel Engine Break-In Recommendations


The diesel engine does not require a break-in period due to its construction. Normal operation is allowed, providing the following recommendations are followed:

  • Warm up the engine before placing it under load.
  • Do not operate the engine at idle for prolonged periods.
  • Use the appropriate transmission gear to prevent engine lugging.
  • Observe vehicle oil pressure and temperature indicators.
  • Check the coolant and oil levels frequently.
  • Vary throttle position at highway speeds when carrying or towing significant weight.


  • Light duty operations such as light trailer towing or no-load operations will extend the time before the engine is at full efficiency. Reduced fuel economy and power may be seen at this time.
  • The engine oil installed in the engine at the factory is a high-quality energy conserving type lubricant. Oil changes should be consistent with anticipated climate conditions under which vehicle operations will occur. For recommended viscosity and quality grades see page 424. NON-DETERGENT OR STRAIGHT MINERAL OILS MUST NEVER BE USED.

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