2023 Ford E-350 Pre-Collision Assist User Manual


2023 Ford E-350 Pre-Collision Assist


  • WARNING: You are responsible for controlling your vehicle at all times. The system is designed to be an aid and does not relieve you of your responsibility to drive with due care and attention. Failure to follow this instruction could result in the loss of control of your vehicle, personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: The system does not detect vehicles that are driving in a different direction, pedestrians at night, cyclists or animals. Apply the brakes when necessary. Failure to follow this instruction could result in the loss of control of your vehicle, personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: The system does not operate during hard acceleration or steering. Failure to take care may lead to a crash or personal injury.
  • WARNING: The system may fail or operate with reduced function during cold and severe weather conditions. Snow, ice, rain, spray and fog can adversely affect the system. Keep the front camera and radar free of snow and ice. Failure to take care may result in the loss of control of your vehicle, serious personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: Some situations and objects prevent hazard detection. For example low or direct sunlight, inclement weather, unconventional vehicle types, and pedestrians. Apply the brakes when necessary. Failure to follow this instruction could result in the loss of control of your vehicle, personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: Take additional care if your vehicle is heavily loaded or you are towing a trailer. These conditions could result in the reduced performance of this system. Failure to follow this instruction could result in the loss of control of your vehicle, personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: The system cannot help prevent all crashes. Do not rely on this system to replace driver judgment and the need to maintain a safe distance and speed.

Using the Pre-Collision Assist System

The pre-collision assist system is active at speeds above approximately 3 mph (5 km/h)

Note: The system is not designed to detect animals.
Note: The system is not designed to detect vehicles or cyclists that are traveling in a different direction.

2023 Ford E-350 Lane-Keeping System fig 5

If your vehicle is rapidly approaching another stationary vehicle or a vehicle traveling in the same direction as yours, the system provides three levels of functionality:

  1. Alert.
  2. Brake support.
  3. Active braking

2023 Ford E-350 Lane-Keeping System fig 6

Alert: When active, a flashing visual warning appears and an audible warning tone sounds.
Brake support: The system is designed to help reduce the impact speed by preparing the brakes for rapid braking. The system does not automatically apply the brakes. If you press the brake pedal, the system could apply additional braking up to maximum braking force, even if you lightly press the brake pedal.
Active braking: Active braking may activate if the system determines that a collision is imminent. The system may help the driver reduce impact damage or avoid the crash completely.

Note: If you perceive pre-collision assist alerts as being too frequent or disturbing, then you can reduce the alert sensitivity, though the manufacturer recommends using the highest sensitivity setting where possible. Setting lower sensitivity would lead to fewer and later system warnings

Distance Indication and Alert

Distance indication and alert is a function that provides the driver with a graphical indication of the time gap to other preceding vehicles traveling in the same direction. The distance indication and alert screen in the display screen shows one of the graphics that follow.

2023 Ford E-350 Lane-Keeping System fig 7

If the time gap to a preceding vehicle is small, a red visual indication displays.

Note: Distance indication and alert deactivates and the graphics do not display when adaptive cruise control is active

Adjusting the Pre-Collision Assist Settings

You can adjust the following settings by using the information display controls. See General Information (page 65).

  • You can change alert and distance alert sensitivity to one of three possible settings.
  • You can switch distance indication and alert on or off.
  • If required, you can switch active braking on or off.
  • If required, you can switch the entire pre-collision assist feature on or off.

Blocked Sensors2023 Ford E-350 Lane-Keeping System fig 8

  1. Camera.
  2. Radar sensor.

If a message regarding a blocked sensor or camera appears in the information display, the radar signals or camera images are obstructed. With a blocked sensor or camera, the pre-collision assist system may not function, or performance may reduce. The following table lists possible causes and actions for when this message is displayed.

Camera Troubleshooting

Cause Action
The windshield in front of the camera is dirty or obstructed in some way. Clean the outside of the windshield in front of the camera.
The windshield in front of the camera is clean but the message remains in the display screen. Wait a short time. It may take several minutes for the camera to detect that there is no obstruction.

Radar Troubleshooting

Cause Action
The surface of the radar in the grille is dirty or obstructed in some way. Clean the grill surface in front of the radar or remove the object causing the obstruction.
The surface of the radar in the grille is clean but the message remains in the display screen. Wait a short time. It may take several minutes for the radar to detect that there is no obstruction.

Heavy rain, spray, snow or fog is interfering with the radar signals.

The pre-collision assist system is temporarily disabled. pre-collision assist automatically reactivates a short time after the weather conditions improve.
Swirling water or snow or ice on the surface of the road may interfere with the radar signals. The pre-collision assist system is temporarily disabled. Pre-collision assist automatically reactivates a short time after the weather conditions improve.
The radar is out of alignment due to a front-end impact. Contact an authorized dealer to have the radar checked for proper coverage and operation.
  • Note: Proper system operation requires a clear view of the road by the camera. Has any windshield damage in the area of the camera’s field of view been repaired?
  • Note: If something hits the front end of your vehicle or damage occurs and your vehicle has a radar sensor, the radar sensing zone may change. This could cause missed or false vehicle detections. Contact an authorized dealer to have the radar checked for proper coverage and operation.
  • Note: If your vehicle detects excessive heat at the camera or a potential misalignment condition, a message may display in the information display indicating temporary sensor unavailability. When operational conditions are correct, the message deactivates. For example, when the ambient temperature around the sensor decreases or the sensor automatically recalibrates successfully.

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