2023 Ford E-350 Child Restraint Positioning User Manual


2023 Ford E-Series Child Restraint Positioning


  • WARNING: Do not place a rearward-facing child restraint in front of an active airbag. Failure to follow this instruction could result in personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: Properly secure children 12 years old and under in a rear seating position whenever possible. If you are unable to properly secure all children in a rear seating position, properly secure the largest child on the front seat. If you must use a forward-facing child restraint on the front seat, move the seat as far back as possible. Failure to follow these instructions could result in personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: Always carefully follow the instructions and warnings provided by the manufacturer of any child restraint to determine if the restraint device is appropriate for your child’s size, height, weight, or age. Follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions and warnings provided for installation and use in conjunction with the instructions and warnings provided by your vehicle manufacturer. A safety seat that is improperly installed or utilized, is inappropriate for your child’s height, age, or weight or does not properly fit the child may increase the risk of serious injury or death.
  • WARNING: Do not allow a passenger to hold a child on their lap when your vehicle is moving. Failure to follow this instruction could result in personal injury or death in the event of a sudden stop or crash.
  • WARNING: Do not use pillows, books or towels to boost your child’s height. Failure to follow this instruction could result in personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: Properly secure child restraints or booster seats when they are not in use. They could become projectiles in a sudden stop or crash. Failure to follow this instruction could result in personal injury or death.
  • WARNING: Do not put the shoulder section of the seatbelt or allow the child to put the shoulder section of the seatbelt under their arm or behind their back. Failure to follow this instruction could reduce the effectiveness of the seatbelt and increase the risk of injury or death in a crash.
  • WARNING: Do not leave children or pets unattended in your vehicle. Failure to follow this instruction could result in personal injury or death.

Recommendations For Attaching Child Restraints


Restraint Type

Use Any Attachment Method as Indicated Below by X.
Combined Weight of Child and Child Restraint Seatbelt and Top Tether Anchor  

Seatbelt Only

Rear-facing child restraint Up to 65 lb (29.5 kg) X
Rear-facing child restraint Over 65 lb (29.5 kg) X
Forward-facing child restraint Up to 65 lb (29.5 kg) X X1
Forward-facing child restraint Over 65 lb (29.5 kg) X X1
  1. We recommend using a top tether if the child restraint has one, and the child restraint manufacturer recommends its use.

Note: The child restraint must rest tightly against the vehicle seat upon which it is installed. It may be necessary to lift or remove the head restraint. See Head Restraints (page 77).

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