2022 Kawasaki NINJA 650 ABS Seats Owners Manual


2022 Kawasaki NINJA 650 ABS Seats



The seats can be removed in order of the passenger’s seat and then the rider’s seat.

Passenger’s Seat Removal

  • Insert the ignition key into the seat lock.
  • Lift the front part of the passenger’s seat upward while turning the key clockwise.
  • Remove the passenger’s seat forward. Remove the ignition key.

2022 Kawasaki NINJA 650 ABS GENERAL INFORMATION-Fig- (118)

A. Ignition Key
B. Passenger’s Seat

Passenger’s Seat Installation

  • Insert the hook at the rear of the passenger’s seat into the slot of the frame.
  • Insert the latch plate at the front of the passenger’s seat into the latch hole of the frame.
  • Push down the front part of the passenger’s seat until the lock clicks.

2022 Kawasaki NINJA 650 ABS GENERAL INFORMATION-Fig- (119)

A. Hook
B. Slot
C. Latch Plate
D. Latch Hole

  • Pull up the front and rear ends of the passenger seat to make sure they are securely locked.

Rider’s Seat Removal

  • Remove the passenger seat (see Passenger’s Seat Removal).
  • Lift the rear part of the rider’s seat upward, and remove the rider’s seat rearward.

2022 Kawasaki NINJA 650 ABS GENERAL INFORMATION-Fig- (120)

A. Rider’s Seat

Rider’s Seat Installation

  • Insert the hook at the front of the rider’s seat into the slot of the bracket.
  • Fit the tab at the rear of the rider’s seat on the guide of the frame.

2022 Kawasaki NINJA 650 ABS GENERAL INFORMATION-Fig- (121)

A. Hook
B. Slot
C. Tab
D. Guide

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