2022 Kawasaki NINJA 1000 SX Drive Chain Owners Manual


2022 Kawasaki NINJA 1000 SX Drive Chain

2022-Kawasaki-NINJA-1000-SX-product img

Drive Chain

Drive Chain Lubrication
Lubrication is necessary after riding through rain or on wet roads, or any time that the chain appears dry. Use a lubricant for sealed chains to prevent deterioration of chain seals. If the chain is especially dirty, clean it using a cleaner for sealed chains fol- lowing the instructions supplied by the chain cleaner manufacturer.

  • Apply lubricant to the sides of the rollers so that it will penetrate to the rollers and bushings. Apply lubricant to the seals so that the seals will be coated with lubricant. Wipe off any excess lubricant.2022-Kawasaki-NINJA-100-SX-GENERAL-INFORMATION-fig- (72)
  • Wipe off any lubricant that gets on the tire surface.

Drive Chain Slack Inspection

  • Set the motorcycle up on its side stand.
  • Clean the chain if it is dirty, and lubri-cate it if it appears dry.
  • Rotate the rear wheel to find the position where the chain is tightest, and measure the maximum chain slack by pulling up and pushing down the chain midway between the engine sprocket and rear wheel sprocket.2022-Kawasaki-NINJA-100-SX-GENERAL-INFORMATION-fig- (73)

A. Chain Slack

If the drive chain is too tight or too loose, adjust it so that the chain slack is within the standard value.

Drive Chain Slack
Standard: 20 30 mm (0.8 1.2 in.)

Drive Chain Slack Adjustment

  • Loosen the left and right chain adjuster clamp bolts.
  • Turn both chain adjusters with the Allen wrench until the drive chain has the correct amount of slack.
  • Check that the notch on the swingarm and the mark on the chain adjuster are at the same position on the left and right sides.2022-Kawasaki-NINJA-100-SX-GENERAL-INFORMATION-fig- (74)

A. Chain Adjuster Clamp Bolt
B. Chain Adjuster
C. Allen Wrench
D. Notch
E. Marks

Misalignment of the wheel will result in abnormal wear, and may result in an unsafe riding con- dition. Align the rear wheel us-ing the marks on the swingarm or measuring the distance be- tween the center of the axle and swingarm pivot. Tighten both chain adjuster clamp bolts to the specified torque.

Tightening Torque
Chain Adjuster Clamp Bolts: 65 (6.6 kgf•m, 48 ft•lb)


  • lf a torque wrench is not available, this item should be serviced by an authorized Kawasaki dealer.
  • Rotate the wheel, measure the chain slack again at the tightest position, and readjust if necessary.

A loose clamp bolt can lead to an accident resulting in serious in-jury or death. Tighten the clamp bolts to the proper torque. Check the rear brake (see Brakes section in this chapter).

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