2022 Kawasaki NINJA 1000 SX Windshield Owners Manual


2022 Kawasaki NINJA 1000 SX Windshield

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The windshield can be adjusted within 4 positions in height to suit the rider’s preference.


  • Hold the windshield by the hand.
  • Adjust the windshield mounting posi-tions while pushing the knob located the lower side of the meter cover.2022-Kawasaki-NINJA-100-SX-GENERAL-INFORMATION-fig- (20)

A. Windshield
B. Knob

  • Return the knob to the original position.
  • Be sure the windshield is fixed securely.


  • Removing your hand(s) from the handlebars while riding could lead to a crash resulting in serious injury or death. Do not adjust the angle Of the windshield while riding; stop the motorcycle before making any adjustments.
  • Turning the handlebars while using the knob to adjust the windshield may pinch your hand and/or fingers between the knob and front fork. Do not turn the handlebars while adjusting the windshield angle.
  • Failure to lock the windshield angle after adjustment may cause the angle of the windshield to unexpectedly change while riding, causing a distraction for the rider that could lead to a crash resulting in serious injury or death. Make sure the windshield is fully locked in position before riding.

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