2022 Jeep Wrangler Automatic Transmission User Manual


2022 Jeep Wrangler Automatic Transmission

2022_jeep_wrangler_productAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION — IF EQUIPPED

You must press and hold the brake pedal while shifting out of PARK.


  • Never use the PARK position as a substitute for the parking brake. Always apply the parking brake fully when exiting the vehicle to guard against vehicle movement and possible injury or damage.
  • Your vehicle could move and injure you and others if it is not in PARK. Check by trying to move the transmission gear selector out of PARK with the brake pedal released. Make sure the transmission is in PARK before exiting the vehicle.
  • The transmission may not engage PARK if the vehicle is moving. Always bring the vehicle to a complete stop before shifting to PARK, and verify that the transmission gear position indicator solidly indicates PARK (P) without blinking. Ensure that the vehicle is completely stopped, and the PARK position is properly indicated, before exiting the vehicle.
  • It is dangerous to shift out of PARK or NEUTRAL if the engine speed is higher than idle speed. If your foot is not firmly pressing the brake pedal, the vehicle could accelerate quickly forward or in reverse. You could lose control of the vehicle and hit someone or something. Only shift into gear when the engine is idling normally and your foot is firmly pressing the brake pedal.
  • Unintended movement of a vehicle could injure those in or near the vehicle. As with all vehicles, you should never exit a vehicle while the engine is running. Before exiting a vehicle, always come to a complete stop, then apply the parking brake, shift the transmission into PARK, and turn the ignition OFF. When the ignition is in the OFF position, the transmission is locked in PARK, securing the vehicle against unwanted movement.
  • When exiting the vehicle, always make sure the ignition is in the OFF position, remove the key fob from the vehicle, and lock the vehicle.
  • Never leave children alone in a vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Allowing chil-dren to be in a vehicle unattended is dangerous for a number of reasons. A child or others could be seriously or fatally injured. Children should be warned not to touch the parking brake, brake pedal, or the transmission gear, or selector.
  • Do not leave the key fob in or near the vehicle (or in a location accessible to children), and do not leave the ignition in the ACC or ON/RUN position. A child could operate power windows, other controls, or move the vehicle.


Damage to the transmission may occur if the following precautions are not observed:

  • Shift into or out of PARK or REVERSE only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.
  • Do not shift between PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, or DRIVE when the engine is above idle speed.
  • Before shifting into any gear, make sure your foot is firmly pressing the brake pedal.


This vehicle is equipped with an Ignition Park Interlock which requires the transmission to be in PARK before the ignition can be turned to the OFF position. This helps the driver avoid inadvertently leaving the vehicle without placing the transmission in PARK. This system also locks the transmission in PARK whenever the ignition is in the OFF position.
NOTE: The transmission is NOT locked in PARK when the ignition is in the ACC position (even though the engine will be off). Ensure that the transmission is in PARK, and the ignition is OFF (not in ACC position) before exiting the vehicle.



This vehicle is equipped with a BTSI system that holds the transmission gear selector in PARK unless the brakes are applied. To shift the transmission out of PARK, the engine must be running and the brake pedal must be pressed. The brake pedal must also be pressed to shift from NEUTRAL into DRIVE or REVERSE when the vehicle is stopped or moving at low speeds.


The transmission gear range (PRNDM) is displayed both beside the gear selector and in the instrument cluster. To select a gear range, push the lock button on the gear selector and move the selector rearward or forward. To shift the transmission out of PARK, the engine must be running and the brake pedal must be pressed. You must also press the brake pedal to shift from NEUTRAL into DRIVE or REVERSE when the vehicle is stopped or moving at low speeds. Select the DRIVE range for normal driving.
NOTE: In the event of a mismatch between the gear selector position and the actual transmission gear (for example, the driver selects PARK while driving),

  • the position indicator will blink continuously until the selector is returned to the proper position, or the requested shift can be completed.
  • The electronically controlled transmission adapts its shift schedule based on driver inputs, along with environmental and road conditions. The transmission electronics are self-calibrating; therefore, the first few shifts on a new vehicle may be somewhat abrupt. This is a normal condition, and precision shifts will develop within a few hundred miles (kilometers).
  • Only shift from DRIVE to PARK or REVERSE when the accelerator pedal is released and the vehicle is stopped. Be sure to keep your foot on the brake pedal when shifting between these gears.
  • The transmission gear selector provides PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, DRIVE, and MANUAL (AutoStick) shift positions. Manual shifts can be made using the AutoStick shift control. Toggling the gear selector forward (-) or rearward (+) while in the MANUAL (AutoStick) position (beside the DRIVE position) will manually select the transmission gear, and will display the current gear in the instrument cluster page 156.

Transmission Gear Selector


NOTE: If the gear selector cannot be moved to the PARK, REVERSE, or NEUTRAL position (when pushed forward), it is probably in the AutoStick (+/-) position (beside the DRIVE position). In AutoStick mode, the transmission gear (1, 2, 3, etc.) is displayed in the instrument cluster. Move the gear selector to the right (into the DRIVE [D] position) for access to PARK, REVERSE, and NEUTRAL.

Gear Ranges

Do not press the accelerator pedal when shifting out of PARK or NEUTRAL.
NOTE: After selecting any gear range, wait a moment to allow the selected gear to engage before accelerating. This is especially important when the engine is cold.“


  • This range supplements the parking brake by locking the transmission. The engine can be started in this range. Never attempt to use PARK while the vehicle is in motion. Apply the parking brake when exiting the vehicle in this range.
  • When parking on a hill, apply the parking brake before shifting the transmission to PARK. As an added precaution, turn the front wheels toward the curb on a downhill grade and away from the curb on an uphill grade.
  • When exiting the vehicle, always:
    • Apply the parking brake.
    • Shift the transmission into PARK.
    • Turn the ignition OFF.
    • Remove the key fob from the vehicle.

NOTE: On four-wheel-drive vehicles, be sure that the transfer case is in a drive position.


  • Never use the PARK position as a substitute for the parking brake. Always apply the parking brake fully when exiting the vehicle to guard against vehicle movement and possible injury or damage.
  • Your vehicle could move and injure you and others if it is not in PARK. Check by trying to move the transmission gear selector out of PARK with the brake pedal released. Make sure the transmission is in PARK before exiting the vehicle.
  • The transmission may not engage PARK if the vehicle is moving. Always bring the vehicle to a complete stop before shifting to PARK, and verify that the transmission gear position indi-cator solidly indicates PARK (P) without blinking. Ensure that the vehicle is completely stopped, and the PARK position is properly indicated, before exiting the vehicle.
  • It is dangerous to shift out of PARK or NEUTRAL if the engine speed is higher than idle speed. If your foot is not firmly pressing the brake pedal, the vehicle could accelerate quickly forward or in reverse. You could lose control of the vehicle and hit someone or something. Only shift into gear when the engine is idling normally and your foot is firmly pressing the brake pedal.
  • Unintended movement of a vehicle could injure those in or near the vehicle. As with all vehicles, you should never exit a vehicle while the engine is running. Before exiting a vehicle, always come to a complete stop, then apply the parking brake, shift the transmission into PARK, and turn the ignition OFF. When the ignition is in the OFF position, the transmis-sion is locked in PARK, securing the vehicle against unwanted movement.
  • When exiting the vehicle, always make sure the ignition is in the OFF position, remove the key fob from the vehicle, and lock the vehicle.
  • Never leave children alone in a vehicle, or with access to an unlocked vehicle. Allowing chil-dren to be in a vehicle unattended is dangerous for a number of reasons. A child or others could be seriously or fatally injured. Children should be warned not to touch the parking brake, brake pedal or the transmis-sion gear selector.
  • Do not leave the key fob in or near the vehicle (or in a location accessible to children), and do not leave the ignition in the ACC or ON/RUN position. A child could operate power windows, other controls, or move the vehicle.


  • Before moving the transmission gear selector out of PARK, you must start the engine, and also press the brake pedal. Otherwise, damage to the gear selector could result.
  • DO NOT race the engine when shifting from PARK or NEUTRAL into another gear range, as this can damage the drivetrain.

The following indicators should be used to ensure that you have properly engaged the transmission into the PARK position:

  • When shifting into PARK, push the lock button on the gear selector and firmly move the gear selector all the way forward until it stops and is fully seated.
  • Look at the transmission gear position display and verify that it indicates the PARK position (P), and is not blinking.
  • With the brake pedal released, verify that the gear selector will not move out of PARK.


This range is for moving the vehicle backward. Shift into REVERSE only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.


Use this range when the vehicle is standing for prolonged periods with the engine running. Apply the parking brake and shift the transmission into PARK if you must exit the vehicle.


Do not coast in NEUTRAL and never turn off the ignition to coast down a hill. These are unsafe practices that limit your response to changing traffic or road conditions. You might lose control of the vehicle and have a collision.


  • Towing the vehicle, coasting, or driving for any other reason with the transmission in NEUTRAL can cause severe transmission damage.
  • For Recreational Towing page 198.
  • For Towing A Disabled Vehicle page 344.


  • This range should be used for most city and highway driving. It provides the smoothest upshifts and downshifts, and the best fuel economy. The transmission automatically upshifts through all forward gears.
  • The DRIVE position should be used for all normal operating conditions.
  • When frequent transmission shifting occurs (such as when operating the vehicle under heavy loading conditions, in hilly terrain, traveling into strong head winds, or while towing a heavy trailer), use the
  • AutoStick shift control to select a lower gear page 156. Under these conditions, using a lower gear will improve performance and extend transmission life by reducing excessive shifting and heat build-up.
  • During extremely cold temperatures (-22°F [-30°C] or below), transmission operation may be modified depending on engine and transmission temperature as well as vehicle speed. Normal operation will resume once the transmission temperature has risen to a suitable level.


The MANUAL (M, +/-) position (beside the DRIVE position) enables full manual control of transmission shifting also known as AutoStick mode. Toggling the gear selector forward (-) or rearward (+) while in the MANUAL (AutoStick) position will manually select the transmission gear, and will display the current gear in the instrument cluster page 156.

Transmission Limp Home Mode

The transmission function is monitored electronically for abnormal conditions. If a condition is detected that could result in transmission damage, Transmission Limp Home mode is activated. In this mode, the transmission may operate only in certain gears, or may not shift at all. Vehicle performance may be severely degraded and the engine may stall. In some situations, the transmission may not re-engage if the engine is turned off and restarted. The Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) may be illuminated. A message in the instrument cluster will inform the driver of the more serious conditions, and indicate what actions may be necessary. In the event of a momentary problem, the transmission can be reset to regain all forward gears by performing the following steps:


  • In cases where the instrument cluster message indicates the transmission may not re-engage after engine shutdown, perform this procedure only in the desired location (preferably, at an authorized dealer).
  • Even if the transmission can be reset, we recommend that you visit an authorized dealer at your earliest possible convenience. An authorized dealer has diagnostic equipment to assess the condition of your transmission.
  • If the transmission cannot be reset, authorized dealer service is required.
    • Stop the vehicle.
    • Shift the transmission into PARK, if possible. If not, shift the transmission to NEUTRAL.
    • Push and hold the ignition switch until the engine turns off.
    • Wait approximately 30 seconds.
    • Restart the engine.
    • Shift into the desired gear range. If the problem is no longer detected, the transmission will return to normal operation.


AutoStick is a driver-interactive transmission feature providing manual shift control, giving you more control of the vehicle. AutoStick allows you to maximize engine braking, eliminate undesirable upshifts and downshifts, and improve overall vehicle performance. This feature can also provide you with more control during passing, city driving, cold slippery conditions, mountain driving, trailer towing, and many other situations.


To activate AutoStick mode, move the gear selector into the MANUAL (M) position (beside the DRIVE position). The current transmission gear will be displayed in the instrument cluster. In AutoStick mode, you can use the gear selector (in the MANUAL position) to manually shift the transmission. AutoStick mode has the following operational benefits:

  • The transmission will automatically downshift as the vehicle slows (to prevent engine lugging) and will display the current gear.
  • The transmission will automatically downshift to FIRST gear when coming to a stop. After a stop, the driver should manually upshift (+) the transmission as the vehicle is accelerated.
  • You can start out, from a stop, in FIRST or SECOND gear (or THIRD gear, in 4L range). Tapping (+) (at a stop) will allow starting in SECOND gear. Starting out in SECOND or THIRD gear can be helpful in snowy or icy conditions.
  • If a requested downshift would cause the engine to Overspeed, that shift will not occur.
  •  The system will ignore attempts to upshift at too low of a vehicle’s speed.
  • Holding the gear selector in the (-) position will downshift the transmission to the lowest gear possible at the current speed.
  • Transmission shifting will be more noticeable when AutoStick is enabled.
  • The system may revert to automatic shift mode if a fault or overheat condition is detected.


When Hill Descent Control is enabled, AutoStick is not active. To disengage AutoStick mode, return the gear selector to the DRIVE position. You can shift in or out of the AutoStick position at any time without taking your foot off the accelerator pedal.


Do not downshift for additional engine braking on a slippery surface. The drive wheels could lose their grip and the vehicle could skid, causing a collision or personal injury.

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