2023 Volvo XC40 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Enter destination Owners Manual


2023 Volvo XC40 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Enter destination


Enter destination directly on map

A destination can be specified in different ways in the navigation system(Option/accessory.) – marking a point on the map with your finger is one of them.

In many cases it is simplest to scroll to the desired position on the map and tap it with your finger.

  1. Check that the map view is in max mode.
  2. Scroll the map until the desired position is in view.
  3. Press and hold the position – an icon is created and a menu opens.
  4. Select Go here – guidance starts.
Delete the icon.
To erase the icon from the position: Select Delete
Adjust the position of the icon
To adjust the position of the icon: Tap and hold the icon, drag it to the desired position, and release.

Specifying a destination with an address

A destination can be specified in different ways in the navigation system(Option/accessory.) – selecting an address is one of them.
  1. When the map is shown, expand the tools field using the down arrow on the left-hand side and press Set dest2023-Volvo-XC40-Recharge-Plug-in-Hybrid-Enter-destination-FIG-1
    1. The map image changes to free text searching.
  2. Press Address.
  3. All fields do not need to be filled in. For a journey to a city, for example, it is sufficient to enter just the country and city. Guidance is then given to the city’s centre.
  4. Select one of the available text field options and type using the centre display keyboard:
    1. Country/State/Province
    2. City/Territory/Postcode
    3. Address
    4. Number
    5. Junction
For cars with Volvo on Call (Option/accessory.) it is also possible to send addresses and destinations to the car’s navigation system via the Volvo Cars app and a Volvo on Call service centre. (Only applies to certain markets.)

Specify destination with free text searching

A destination can be set in different ways in the navigation system(Option/accessory.) – with free text searching, for example, a search can be made using phone numbers, postcodes, streets, cities, coordinates and points of interest (POI).(Point of Interest)

The keyboard in the centre display can be used to type most characters and to search for destinations.

  1. When the map is shown, expand the tools field using the down arrow on the left-hand side and press Set dest.2023-Volvo-XC40-Recharge-Plug-in-Hybrid-Enter-destination-FIG-1
    1. The map image changes to free text searching.
  2. Enter a search term in the search box or first limit the hits by selecting a filter.
    1. Search hits are shown while characters are being entered.
  3. If the search gives the desired result – tap on a search hit to show its information card and select to continue to use the search hit.

If the search gives too many results – tap on Advanced filter and select position to search around, and then select to continue to use the search hit:

  • Around car
  • Around destination – only shown if a destination is entered.
  • Along route – only shown if a destination is entered.
  • Around point on map
A destination can also be specified with map coordinates.
  • Type, for example, “N 58.1234 E 12.5678” and tap Search.
The points of the compass NES and W can be entered in different ways, e.g. in accordance with the following:
N 58,1234   E 12,5678 (with spaces)
N58,1234   E12,5678 (without spaces)
58,1234N   12,5678E (with the point of the compass after the coordinate)
58,1234-12,5678 (with hyphen without point of the compass)

You can use a comma [,] instead of a full stop [.] if you prefer.

Specify destination with point of interest

A destination can be specified in different ways in the navigation system(Option/accessory.) – selecting a point of interest (POI)(Point of Interest) is one of them.
  1. When the map is shown, expand the tools field using the down arrow on the left-hand side and press Set dest.2023-Volvo-XC40-Recharge-Plug-in-Hybrid-Enter-destination-FIG-1
    1. The map image changes to free text searching.
  2. Press POI.
  3. Tap on the desired filter (some options only show a set destination or intermediate destination):
    1. Near the car
    2. Near the destination
    3. Close intermediate destinations
    4. Along route
    5. Around point on map
  4. Search for and select desired point of interest.
    1. The information card is displayed.
  5. Select Start navigation or Add as waypoint.

Many POIs (e.g. restaurants) have subcategories (e.g. fast food). In the settings for the map you can change which POIs should be shown on the map. That setting does not affect searching for POI as destination – even excluded POIs are shown as alternative destinations. Certain POIs are first shown on the map when the scale is 1 km (1 mile).

  • The symbol for a POI and the number of POIs varies between different markets.
  • New symbols may appear and others disappear after a map data update. You can browse the menu system to find all the symbols used in the current map system.

Specifying a destination with latest/favourites/library

A destination can be specified in different ways in the navigation system(Option/accessory.) – selecting from a list is one of them.
  1. When the map is shown, expand the tools field using the down arrow on the left-hand side and press Set dest.2023-Volvo-XC40-Recharge-Plug-in-Hybrid-Enter-destination-FIG-1
    1. The map image changes to free text searching.
  2. Then select one of the following lists, at the top of the screen:
    1. Recent
    2. Favourites
    3. Library
 After one alternative in a list has been marked, it is added as a destination by using either the Start navigation button or the Add as waypoint button.
Previous searches are listed here. Scroll and select. Also available as a menu option in the driver display and can be viewed using the right-hand keypad on the steering wheel. Using Edit, one or more items in the list can be deleted.
The positions from Library that are flagged as favourites are collected in this list. Scroll and select. A position erased from Favourites remains in the Library, but then with an “extinguished” star. To add a position in Favourites, go to Library and select the relevant position’s asterisk again. A frequently used destination can be programmed and used with Set Home address. An entered Home destination is also available as a menu option in the driver display and can be viewed using the right-hand keypad on the steering wheel. Using Edit, one or more items in the list can be deleted.
Saved positions and itineraries are collected here. The most recently saved appear uppermost on the list. Tap on a position’s star to select/deselect it as a favourite. A position with a highlighted/filled star is also listed under the Favourites heading. Deleting a position in Library will also remove it from Favourites. The library can be sorted in various ways:
  • Added – sorts in chronological order.
  • Name – sorts in alphabetical order.
  • Distance – sorts in distance from current position.
  • Received – positions sent to the car using Send to Car are filtered out. New positions that have not been read have a BLUE cursor which is extinguished when the positions have been read.

Using Edit, one or more items in the list can be deleted. To edit a saved position in Library, highlight the position in the list and select Edit position. For example, it is possible to change the name of the position, move it on the map by dragging and dropping, and add phone number or email address.

Specify destination with Send to Car

A destination can be specified in different ways in the navigation system(Option/accessory.) – using the Send to Car function is one of them.
Send destination to car
Send to Car is a function that makes it possible to send a destination/position to the car’s navigation system via the Volvo Cars app.(Option/accessory.) To use Send to Car requires a Volvo ID to be registered to the car.
Receiving and using a destination in the car
For the car to be able to receive data it must be connected to the Internet.
  1. When a destination has been received by the car a notification is shown in the centre display. Tap on the notification/symbol.
    1. An information card is opened.
  2. Select the desired use of the destination.
Using saved destination
Destinations received are saved to the navigation system’s library and can be used later.

Select a detour in the navigation system


If the driver wants to avoid the nearest segment of a route, e.g. because the road is closed, a detour can be selected.
  1. Expand the tools field on the left-hand side with the down arrow and then with the three points.
  2. 2023-Volvo-XC40-Recharge-Plug-in-Hybrid-Enter-destination-FIG-2Press the symbol for Detour to show an alternative route with information about its longest/shortest route as well as calculated journey time. Normally only a short detour is proposed which quickly rejoins the original itinerary.
  3. If the suggestion is accepted: Tap on the sign with detour information. The route is accepted even if you are driving on the road suggested. After the proposal is accepted, guidance is resumed – now with the detour selected as the route. If the suggestion is not accepted continue to drive on the original route.

An alternative to the Detour function is to diverge from the itinerary’s route – the system then updates the route automatically and continues guidance to the destination along the most suitable route. It is also possible to show an alternative route while driving continues.

Energy distribution using map data

In the driving position Hybrid the car is powered by both the electric motor and the internal combustion engine. If a destination has been selected in the navigation system,(Option/accessory.) the Predictive Efficiency(Certain markets only.) function distributes the electric energy consumption along the whole driving distance using the map data.
Fuel consumption can then be reduced compared with normal hybrid drive when the car is first driven on electricity, to then change over to being driven by the internal combustion engine when the hybrid battery has been discharged.
If the distance to the selected destination is greater than the estimated range when running on electricity, this function distributes the electric energy for consumption that is as energy-efficient as possible for the entire distance to be travelled. This makes it possible to avoid situations where normal hybrid drive would otherwise use a large proportion of the electric energy, for example, to run electric drive at high speed on a motorway and then use the internal combustion engine at low speed in urban driving.

The greatest fuel saving is achieved when

  • the distance to be travelled begins with driving on a motorway
  • the distance to be travelled is between 50 and 100 km (30 and 60 miles)
  • the hybrid battery is fully charged at the beginning.
Conditions for the function

For the function to work requires that a number of conditions are met:

  • A destination is set in the navigation system and the driving distance to the destination is longer than the range possible only on electric drive.
  • Hybrid drive mode is selected.
  • The Hold and Charge functions are deactivated.
  • The hybrid battery is charged.
Tips for useIf the car is used for commuting to work and it is not possible to charge the car at the place of work, specify the place of work as an intermediate destination and your home as the final destination. The discharging of the hybrid battery will then take place over your runs both to and from work. Add similar commuting routes, i.e. the route between two charging points, as Favourites in the navigation system to facilitate arrival.

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