2022 Kawasaki KX85 Before Storage Owners Manual


2022 Kawasaki KX85 Before Storage


Before Storage

When the motorcycle is to be stored for any length of time, it should be prepared for storage as follows.

  • Clean the entire vehicle thoroughly.
  • Run the engine for about five minutes to warm the oil, then stop it and drain the transmission oil.

Transmission oil is a toxic substance. Dispose of used oil properly. Contact your local authorities for approved disposal methods or possible recycling.

  • Install the oil drain bolt and fill in fresh transmission oil.
  • Empty the fuel from the fuel tank by the pump or siphon.
  • Empty the fuel system by running the engine at idle speed until the engine stalls (If left in for a long time, the fuel will break down and could clog the fuel system).
  • To evaporate residual gasoline in the small passages and jets in the carburetor, kick the engine a few times.

Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be explosive under certain conditions, creating the potential for serious burns. Always stop the engine and never smoke while handling fuel. Make sure the area is well ventilated and free from any source of flame or sparks; this includes any appliance with a pilot light. Make sure the engine is cold before working. Wipe any fuel off the engine before starting it. Gasoline is a toxic substance. Dispose of gasoline properly. Contact your local authorities for approved disposal methods.

  • Remove the spark plug and spray fogging oil directly into the cylinder. Kick the engine over slowly a few times to coat the cylinder wall. Install thespark plug
  • Lubricate the drive chain and all the cables. Spray oil on all unpainted metal surfaces to prevent rusting. Avoid getting oil on rubber parts andon the brakes.
  • Lift the motorcycle on a box or stand so that both wheels are raised off the ground. (If this cannot be done, put boards under the front and rear wheels to keep dampness away from the tire rubber.)
  • Tie a plastic bag over the muffler to prevent moisture from entering.
  • Cover the motorcycle to keep dust and dirt away from it

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