2022 Kawasaki KX65 Carburetor Owners Manual


2022 Kawasaki KX65 Carburetor

2022 Kawasaki KX65 pro


Idling Adjustment
Idling adjustment is carried out using the air screw and idling adjusting screw.

  • First turn the air screw in until it is lightly seated, then back it out 1 1/2 turns.
  • Start the engine and warm it up thoroughly.
  • Turn the idling adjusting screw to obtain the desired idling speed. If you do not wish the engine to idle, turn out the screw until the engine stops.

A. Air Screw
B. Idling Adjusting Screw

  • Open and close the throttle a few times to make sure the idling speed does not change, and read- just if necessary.
  • With the engine idling. turn the handlebar both ways and check if handlebar movement changes the idling speed. If so, the throttle cable may be improperly adjusted, incorrectly routed, or dam- aged. Be sure to correct any of these conditions before riding.

Operation with damaged cables could result in an unsafe riding condition. Replace damaged control cables before operation.

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