2022 Kawasaki KLX300R Battery Owners Manual


2022 Kawasaki KLX300R Battery

2022 Kawasaki KLX300R Product Image


The battery installed in this motorcycle is a sealed type, so it is not necessary to check the battery electrolyte level or add distilled water. However, in order to maximize battery life and ensure that it will provide the power needed to start the motorcycle you must properly maintain the battery’s charge. When used regularly, the charging system in the motorcycle helps keep the battery fully charged. If your motorcycle is only used occasionally or for short periods of time, the battery is more likely to discharge. Due to their internal composition, batteries continually self-discharge. The discharge rate depends on the type of battery and ambient temperature. As temperatures rise, so does the discharge rate. Electrical accessories, such as digital clocks and computer memory, also draw current from the battery even when the engine stops. Combine such “engine-stop” draws with hot temperature, and a battery can go from fully charged to completely dis- charged in a matter of days.2022-Kawasaki-KLX300R-MAINTENANCE-AND-ADJUSTMENT-fig- (81)

In extremely cold weather the fluid in an inadequately charged battery can easily freeze, which can crack the case and buckle the plates. A fully charged battery can withstand sub-freezing temperatures with no damage.

Battery Sulfation
A common cause of battery failure is sulfation. Sulfation occurs when the battery is left in a discharged condition for an extended time. Sulfate is a normal by-product of the chemical reactions within a battery. But when continuous discharge allows the sulfate to crystallize in the cells, the battery plates become permanently damaged and will not hold a charge. Battery failure due to sulfation is not warrantable.

Battery Maintenance
It is the owner’s responsibility to keep the battery fully charged. Failure to do so can lead to battery failure and leave you stranded. If you are riding your vehicle infrequently, inspect the battery voltage weekly using a voltmeter it drops below 12.6 volts, the battery should be charged using an appropriate charger (check with your Kawasaki dealer). If you will not be using the motorcycle for longer than two weeks, the battery should be charged using an appropriate charger. Do not use an automotive-type quick charger that may overcharge the battery and damage it. If

Leaving the battery connected causes the electrical components to make the battery discharge, resulting the over-discharge of the battery. In this case, the repair or replacement of the battery is not included in the warranty. If you do not drive for four weeks or more, disconnect the battery from the vehicle.

Kawasaki-recommended chargers are

  • Battery Mate 150-9
  • OptiMate 4
  • Yuasa MB-2040/2060
  • Christie C10122S

If the above chargers are not available, use an equivalent one. For more details, ask your Kawasaki dealer

Battery Charging

  • Remove the battery from the motorcycle (see Battery Removal).
  • Attach the leads from the charger and charge the battery at a rate (amperage x hours) that is indicated on the battery. If it is not possible to read the rate, charge the battery at an amperage that is about 1/10th of the battery capacity.
  • The charger will keep the battery fully charged un- til you are ready to reinstall the battery in the motorcycle (see Battery Installation).

Do not install a conventional battery in this motorcycle, or the electrical system cannot work properly.

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lf you charge the sealed battery, never fail to observe the instructions shown on the label on the battery.

Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.

Battery Removal

  • Remove the bolts and washers.
  • Pull the left side cover outward to clear the projections

2022-Kawasaki-KLX300R-MAINTENANCE-AND-ADJUSTMENT-fig- (83)

A. Bolts and Washers
B. Projection
C. Left Side Cover

Pull the left side cover backward to clear the hooks and remove the left side cover.

2022-Kawasaki-KLX300R-MAINTENANCE-AND-ADJUSTMENT-fig- (84)

A. Left Side Cover
B. Hooks

  • Disconnect the negative (-) cable from the (-) terminal.
  • Slide the red cap from the positive (+) terminal.
  • Disconnect the positive (+) cable from the (+) terminal.
  • Remove the bolts and battery holder.

A. (-) Terminal
B. Red Cap
C. (+) Terminal
D. Bolts
E. Battery Holder
F. Battery

  • Remove the battery from the case.
  • Clean the battery using a solution of baking soda and water. Be sure that the cable connections are clean.

Battery Installation

  • Place the battery in the battery case.
  • Install the battery holder and bolts.
  • Connect the positive (+) cable to the (+) terminal, and then connect the negative (-) cable to the (-)terminal.

Connecting the cables to the battery with reversed polarity can seriously damage the electrical system.

  • Put a light coat of grease on the terminals to prevent corrosion.
  • Cover the positive (+) terminal with the red cap.
  • Install the hooks of the left side cover to the slots of the fuel tank cover.
  • Insert the projections of the left side cover into the grommets.

A. Left Side Cover
B. Projections
C. Grommets
D. Hooks
E. Slots

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