2022 Kawasaki KLX300R Clutch Owners Manual


2022 Kawasaki KLX300R Clutch

2022 Kawasaki KLX300R Product Image


Clutch Lever Adjustment
Proper clutch lever play is 2 -3 mm (0.08 0.1 in.). Lever play increases with cable stretch and friction plate wear, requiring periodic adjustment. When the clutch lever play is out of specification, first try adjusting it at the clutch lever as follows.

  • Slide the clutch lever dust cover.
  • Loosen the locknut, turn the adjuster to obtain the proper amount of clutch lever play, then tighten the locknut.

2022-Kawasaki-KLX300R-MAINTENANCE-AND-ADJUSTMENT-fig- (36)

A. Clutch Lever
B. 2 3 mm (0.08 0.12 in.)
C. Clutch Lever Dust Cover
D. Locknut
E. Adjuster

If the clutch lever free play cannot be adjusted at the clutch lever, make the adjustment further down the cable as follows.

  • Loosen the locknut at the clutch lever.
  • Turn the adjuster in all the way, then tighten the locknut.
  • Slide the dust cover back and loosen the locknut in the middle of the clutch cable.
  • Turn the adjusting nut so that the clutch lever free play is 23 mm (0.08 0.12 in.).

2022-Kawasaki-KLX300R-MAINTENANCE-AND-ADJUSTMENT-fig- (37)

A. Dust Cover
B. Locknut
C. Adjusting Nut

  • Tighten the locknut.
  • Slide the dust cover back into place.
  • Start the engine, check that the clutch does not slip and it releases properly.

Too much cable play can prevent clutch disengagement and cause an accident resulting in serious injury or death. When adjusting the clutch or replacing the cable, be sure the upper end of the clutch outer cable is fully seated in its fitting, or it could slip into place later, creating enough cable play to prevent clutch disengagement.

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