2021 Polestar 1 Rear Collision Warning Owners Manual

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2021 Polestar 1 Rear Collision Warning2021 Polestar 1-PRODUCT

Rear Collision Warning*(RCW: Warning of collision from the rear.)

The Rear Collision Warning(This function is not available on all markets) (RCW) function can help the driver avoid rear-end collisions from vehicles approaching from behind.

The function can alert drivers of following vehicles of the risk of a collision by rapidly flashing the turn signals.

The Whiplash Protection System safety system will also be activated in a collision.

The function is automatically activated each time the engine is started.

  • The function is supplementary driver support intended to facilitate driving and help make it safer – it cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.
  • The driver is advised to read all sections in the Manual about this function to learn of its limitations, which the driver must be aware of before using the function.
  • Driver support functions are not a substitute for the driver’s attention and judgment. The driver is always responsible for ensuring the vehicle is driven in a safe manner, at the appropriate speed, with an appropriate distance to other vehicles, and in accordance with current traffic rules and regulations.
* Optional/accessory – The equipment described in the Manual is not available in all cars – the cars have different equipment depending on adaptations for the needs of different markets and national or local laws and regulations.

Rear Collision Warning*(RCW: Warning of collision from the rear) limitations

In some situations, it may be difficult for Rear Collision Warning (RCW) to warn the driver of a collision risk.

This may be the case if:

  • the vehicle approaching from the rear is detected at a late-stage
  • the vehicle approaching from the rear changes lanes at a late stage.

In certain markets, RCW does not warn with the direction indicators due to local traffic regulations – in such cases, that part of the function is deactivated.


The function uses the vehicle’s camera and/or radar units, which have certain general limitations.

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