2021 Polestar 1 Lane Keeping Aid Owners Manual

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2021 Polestar 1 Lane Keeping Aid

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Activating or deactivating Lane Keeping Aid

The Lane Keeping Aid (LKA) (Lane Keeping Aid) function is optional – the driver can choose to have the function activated or deactivated.
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Activate or deactivate the function using this button in the center display’s Function view.

  • GREEN button indicator light – the function is activated.
  • GRAY button indicator light – the function is deactivated.

Lane Keeping Aid

Lane Keeping Aid (LKA) is designed to actively steer the vehicle on freeways, highways, and other major roads to help the driver reduce the risk of the vehicle unintentionally veering out of the lane.
Lake Keeping Aid steers the vehicle back into the lane and/or alerts the driver using vibrations in the steering wheel.
Lane Keeping Aid is active at speeds between 65–200 km/h (40–125 mph) on roads with clearly visible traffic lane marker lines.
On narrow roads, the function may be unavailable and go into standby mode. The function will become available again when the road becomes sufficiently wide.
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A camera monitors the road/traffic lane’s marker lines.

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Lane Keeping Aid steers the vehicle back into its lane.

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Lane Keeping Aid alerts the driver using vibrations in the steering wheel.

Depending on the settings used, Lane Keeping Aid functions in different ways:

  • Assist enabled: When the vehicle approaches a lane marker line, the function will actively steer the vehicle back into the lane using light pressure on the steering wheel.
  • Warning enabled: If the vehicle is about to move over a lane marker line, the driver will be alerted by vibrations in the steering wheel.

You can also have steering assistance and alerts activated at the same time.

When the direction indicators/turn signals are activated, the Lane Keeping Aid does not provide any warning or intervene with steering.
  • The function is supplementary driver support intended to facilitate driving and help make it safer – it cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.
  • The driver is advised to read all sections in the Manual about this function to learn of its limitations, which the driver must be aware of before using the function.
  • Driver support functions are not a substitute for the driver’s attention and judgment. The driver is always responsible for ensuring the vehicle is driven in a safe manner, at the appropriate speed, with an appropriate distance to other vehicles, and in accordance with current traffic rules and regulations.

Lane Keeping Aid does not intervene

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Lane Keeping Aid does not intervene in sharp inside curves. In certain cases, such as when a turn signal is used or if the vehicle is allowed to straighten an inside curve, Lane Keeping Aid will not provide steering assistance or alerts.

Hands-on the steering wheel

Steering assistance with Lane Keeping Aid only functions if the driver’s hands are on the steering wheel, which the system continuously monitors. If the driver’s hands are not on the steering wheel, an audible signal will be given and a message will instruct the driver to actively steer the vehicle:

  • Lane Keeping Aid– Apply steering

If the driver does not begin to steer the vehicle the function will go into standby mode and this message will be displayed:

  • Lane Keeping Aid– Standby until steering applied

The function will then be unavailable until the driver begins actively steering the vehicle again.

Differences between Pilot Assist* and Lane Keeping Aid

Pilot Assist is a comfort function that can help keep the vehicle in its own lane and maintain the distance to the vehicle in front of you. Lane Keeping Aid (LKA) is a function that similarly helps in certain situations to reduce the risk of the vehicle unintentionally veering out of its lane.

Pilot Assist

Pilot Assist can help you to steer your vehicle between the lane markings, as well as maintain a preset speed and distance to the vehicle ahead. The function can also use the lane’s side marker lines to help the driver maintain a favorable position in the lane.

What does Pilot Assist do?

  • Can help to keep the vehicle within its lane by assisting steering in some cases.
  • Can help to maintain a preset speed or the distance to the vehicle ahead by means of acceleration and braking operations.

How do I know that Pilot Assist is on?

Symbols in the vehicle’s instrument panel let you know when the function is on.
When the steering wheel in the middle is extinguished, Pilot Assist is running but steering assistance is not active.
When the steering wheel is illuminated, Pilot Assist is running and steering assistance is active.2021 Polestar 1 Lane Keeping Aid-2 When the steering wheel symbol in the instrument panel is illuminated, Pilot Assist is helping you to steer.

Lane Keeping Aid

Lane Keeping Aid can provide steering assistance and/or a warning to the driver when the vehicle is about to leave its lane unintentionally. The function is active between 65-200 km/h (40-125 mph) on roads with clearly visible side markings.

What does Lane Keeping Aid do?

  • Lane Keeping Aid can provide the driver with steering assistance, steering the vehicle back into its lane and/or providing warnings using acoustic signals or steering wheel vibration.

How do I know that Lane Keeping Aid is on?

Symbols in the vehicle’s instrument panel show the function status.

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Gray symbol in the instrument panel means that the function is on but that the conditions for LKA have not been met.

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White symbol in the instrument panel means that the conditions for LKA have been met and that the function is available.

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Orange symbol in the instrument panel means that LKA provides steering assistance back into the lane and/or gives a warning with sound or vibration in the steering wheel.

  • The function is supplementary driver support intended to facilitate driving and help make it safer – it cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.
  • The driver is advised to read all sections in the Manual about this function to learn of its limitations, which the driver must be aware of before using the function.
  • Driver support functions are not a substitute for the driver’s attention and judgment. The driver is always responsible for ensuring the vehicle is driven in a safe manner, at the appropriate speed, with an appropriate distance to other vehicles, and in accordance with current traffic rules and regulations.

Lane Keeping Aid display

Lane Keeping Aid (LKA) uses symbols in the instrument panel for various situations.
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Some examples of symbols and descriptions of the situations in which they might appear are provided below.


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Available ‒ the marker lines in the symbol are WHITE.
Lane Keeping Aid is able to detect one or both of the traffic lane’s side marker lines.


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Unavailable ‒ the marker lines in the symbol are GRAY.
Lane Keeping Aid is unable to detect the lane marker lines, the vehicle’s speed is too low or the road is too narrow.

Steering/warning indicator

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Steering/warning ‒ the marker lines in the symbol are COLORED. Indicates that the Lane Keeping Aid system is alerting the driver and/or attempting to steer the vehicle back into the lane.

Lane Keeping Aid limitations

In certain demanding driving conditions, Lane Keeping Aid (LKA) may not be able to properly assist the driver. In these situations, it is recommended that the function be deactivated.

Examples of such situations include:

  • road work
  • winter driving conditions
  • poor road surfaces
  • a very sporty driving style
  • bad weather with reduced visibility
  • roads with indistinct or no lane markings
  • sharp edges or lines other than the lane’s side markings
  • when speed-dependent power steering wheel resistance is working at reduced power – e.g. during cooling due to overheating.

The function cannot detect barriers, railings or similar obstacles at the side of the lane.

The function uses the vehicle’s camera and/or radar units, which have certain general limitations.

Lane Keeping Aid symbols and messages

A number of symbols and messages related to Lane Keeping Aid (LKA) may be displayed in the instrument panel. Several examples are provided below.
Symbol Message Meaning
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Driver support system

Reduced functionality Service required

The system is not functioning as intended. Contact Polestar Customer Support.
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Windscreen sensor

Sensor blocked, see Manual

The camera’s ability to detect the lane in front of the vehicle is reduced.
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Lane Keeping Aid

Apply steering

LKA‘s steering assistance is disabled when the driver’s hands are not on the wheel. Follow the instructions and steer the vehicle.
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Lane Keeping Aid

Standby until steering applied

LKA will go into standby mode until the driver begins steering the vehicle again.

A text message can be erased by briefly pressing the  button in the center of the right-side steering wheel keypad. If a message cannot be erased, contact Polestar Customer Support.

Selecting type of assistance for Lane Keeping Aid

The driver can determine what types of assistance Lane Keeping Aid (LKA) should provide if the vehicle veers from its lane.
  • Select SettingsMy CarIntelliSafe in the center display’s Top view.
  • Under Lane Keeping Aid Mode, select what assistance the function should provide:

    • Assist the driver will receive steering assistance but no warning.
    • Warning – the driver is only warned through vibrations in the steering wheel.
    • Both – the driver receives steering assistance and a warning through vibrations in the steering wheel.

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