2022 Kawasaki W800 Storage Owner’s Manual


2022 Kawasaki W800 Storage

2022 Kawasaki W800


  • Whenever your motorcycle will not be in use for a long period, proper storage is essential.
  • It consists of checking and replacing missing or worn parts; lubricating parts to ensure that they do not corrode and, in general, preparing the motorcycle so that when the time comes to use it again, it will be in top condition.
  • See your authorized Kawasaki dealer for this service or do the following

Preparation for Storage

Make sure the area is well ventilated and free from any source of flame.


Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless poisonous gas. Inhaling carbon monoxide can cause serious brain injury or death. DO NOT run the engine in enclosed areas. Operate only in a well-ventilated area.

Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be explosive under certain conditions, creating the potential for serious burns.

  • Turn the ignition key off.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Make sure the area is well ventilated and free from any source of flame or sparks this includes any appliance with a pilot light.

Gasoline is a toxic substance. Dispose of gasoline properly. Contact your local authorities for approved disposal methods.

  • Clean the entire vehicle thoroughly.
  • Run the engine for about five minutes to warm the oil, shut it off, and drain the engine oil. (see Engine Oil section in the MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT chapter)


Engine oil is a toxic substance. Dispose of used oil properly. Contact your local authorities for approved disposal methods or possible recycling.

  • Put in fresh engine oil.
  • Empty the fuel from the fuel tank using a pump or siphon.
  • Remove the spark plug and add fogging oil into the combustion chamber. If the spark plug cannot be removed, take the motorcycle to an authorized Kawasaki dealer.
  • Set the motorcycle on a stand so that both wheels are raised off the ground. (If this cannot be done, put boards under the front and rear wheels to keep dampness away from the tire rubber.)
  • Spray oil on all unpainted metal surfaces to prevent rusting. Avoid getting oil on rubber parts or in the brakes.
  • Lubricate the drive chain and all the cables.
  • Remove the battery, and store it where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight, moisture, or freezing temperatures. During storage it should be given a slow charge (one ampere or less) about once a month.
  • Keep the battery well charged especially during cold weather.
  • Tie a plastic bag over the muffler to prevent moisture from entering.
  • Put a cover over the motorcycle to keep dust and dirt from collecting on it.

Preparation after Storage

  • Remove the plastic bag from the muffler.
  • Charge the battery if necessary and install the battery in the motorcycle.
  • Fill the fuel tank with fresh fuel.
  • Check all the points listed in the Daily Checks section.
  • Lubricate the pivots, bolts, and nuts.

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