2022 Kawasaki KLX 230 S/ KLX 230 S ABS Wheels Owner’s Manual


2022 Kawasaki KLX 230 S/ KLX 230 S ABS Wheels2022 Kawasaki KLX 230 S KLX 230 S ABS


Tire Pressure Inspection

  • Remove the air valve cap.
  • Check the tire pressure often, using an accurate gauge.
  • Make sure to install the air valve cap securely.


  • Measure the tire pressure when the tires are cold (that is when the motorcycle has not been ridden more than 1.6 km (1 mile) during the past 3 hours).
  • Tire pressure is affected by changes in ambient temperature and altitude, and so the tire pressure should be checked and adjusted when your rid- ing involves wide variations in tem- perature or altitude.

A. Tire Pressure Gauge



Tire Air Pressure (when cold)

Tire Wear, Damage

As the tire tread wears down, the tire becomes more susceptible to puncture and failure. An accepted estimate is that 90% of all tire failures occur during the last 10% of tread life (90% worn). So it is false economy and unsafe tob use the tires until they are bald.

Tire Wear Inspection

Measure the depth of the tread witha depth gauge, and replace any tire that has worn down to the minimum allowable tread depth.
2022-Kawasaki-KLX-230-S-KLX-230-S-ABS-Wheels-FIG-3A. Tire Depth Gauge
Minimum Tread Depth

    • 2 mm (0.08 in.)
  • Visually inspect the tire for cracks and cuts, replacing the tire in case of bad damage. Sweling or high spots indicate internal damage, requiring tire replacement.
  • Crack or Cut
  • Nail
  • Swelling or High Spot
  • Stone
  • Remove any embedded stones or other foreign particles from the tread.


    • Has the wheel balance been inspected whenever a new tire is installed?

Tires that have been punctured and repaired do not have the same capabilities as undamaged tires and can suddenly fail, causing an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Replace damaged tires as soon as possible. To ensure safe handling and stability, use only the recommended standard tires for replacement, inflated to the standard pressure. If it is necessary to ride on a repaired tire, do not exceed 100 km/h (60 mph) until the tire is replaced.


    •  When operating on public roadways, keep maximum speed under traffic law limits.

Standard Tire (Tube-type)

Mixing tire brands and types can adversely affect handling and cause an accident resulting in injury or death. Always use the same manufacturer’s tires on both front and rear wheels.

New tires are slippery and may cause loss of control and injury. A break-in period of 160 km (100 miles) is necessary to establish normal tire traction. During break-in, avoid sudden and maximum braking and acceleration, and hard cornering.

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