2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging Owners Manual

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2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging


Drive systems

The car combines an internal combustion engine that drives the front wheels with an electric motor that drives the rear wheels.

Two drive systems

Depending on the driver-selected drive mode and available electric energy, the two drive systems can be used either individually or in parallel.

Both the internal combustion engine and electric motor can generate motive force directly to the wheels. An advanced control system combines the properties of both drive systems in order to provide optimum driving economy.

2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-01

  1. Hybrid battery – The function of the hybrid battery is to store energy. It receives energy when charging from the mains power circuit, during regenerative braking or from the high-voltage generator. It provides energy for electric operation as well as for temporarily operating the electric air conditioning during the preconditioning of the passenger compartment.
  2. Internal combustion engine – The internal combustion engine starts when the energy level in the hybrid battery is insufficient for the engine power that the driver requests.
  3. High voltage generator – Charges the hybrid battery. Starter motor for the internal combustion engine. Can support the internal combustion engine with extra electrical energy.
  4. Electric motor – Powers the car in electric operation. If necessary, provides extra torque and power during acceleration. Provides electrical all-wheel drive functionality. Recycles brake energy to electrical energy.

Battery usage

Control the battery’s State of Charge (SoC) while driving using Hold and Charge.

Hold and Charge are available in all drive modes. The functions are cancelled if Pure drive mode is activated.


2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-02

When Hold is activated, the charge in the hybrid battery is maintained and can instead be used at a later time, e.g. when driving in city traffic.

The car works as for normal hybrid operation with discharged battery where, in addition to re-using brake-generated energy, for example, the car starts the internal combustion engine more often in order to maintain the charge in the battery.


2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-03

When Charge is activated, the hybrid battery is charged using the internal combustion engine in order to obtain increased electric drive at a later time.

Activating Hold or Charge

Activate via the centre display.

  1. Press 2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Alarm-Fig-04.
  2. Select Driving.
  3. Activate the function you require beside Battery usage.

2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-04

In Hybrid drive mode, with battery usage set to Auto, smart energy distribution can be used by using Google Maps in order to drive the car as energy efficiently as possible for the whole mileage.

Drive modes

Adapt the drive mode according to the situation the car is being driven in.

Selectable drive modes

Four drive modes can be selected: HybridPurePower and Constant AWD.

The different drive modes are adapted to provide as good driving characteristics as possible in terms of the following:

  • steering
  • engine/gearbox/all-wheel drive
  • brakes
  • shock absorption
  • driver display
  • climate settings.

Do not leave the car in an unventilated area with activated drive mode and the fuel-driven engine switched off – automatic engine start occurs at low energy level in the hybrid battery, and the exhaust gases could then cause serious injury to people and animals.

Indication in the driver display

2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-05

The driver display indicates the drive mode selected.


When the car starts, it is in the Hybrid mode. The electric motor and internal combustion engine are used, individually or in parallel, and their use is adapted with regard to performance, fuel consumption and comfort. The capacity to run solely with the electric motor depends on the hybrid battery’s energy level and, for example, the need for heating or cooling in the passenger compartment.

Volvo recommends that you use the Hybrid mode for day-to-day driving.

Points to remember when driving with the Hybrid mode

  • all-wheel drive is engaged automatically when required
  • the internal combustion engine is started more often at low State of Charge (SoC) in the hybrid battery. Charge the car or activate Charge under Battery usage in the centre display to run on electricity alone.
  • the car can be run on electricity alone at high State of Charge (SoC). The internal combustion engine starts when the energy level in the battery is insufficient for the engine power that the driver requests with the accelerator pedal.
  • energy is regenerated back to the hybrid battery during gentle pressure on the brake pedal.


Use of the car’s electric motor is prioritised in the Pure mode. The drive mode is available when the hybrid battery has a sufficiently high charge level. If the battery’s charge level is too low, the car’s characteristics are controlled in order to provide as low energy consumption as possible.

Volvo recommends that you use the Pure mode for day-to-day driving.

Points to remember when driving with the Pure mode

  • the output of some climate settings is adapted
  • in slippery road conditions, slightly more wheel-spin may be permitted before all-wheel drive is engaged

The Pure mode is available when the hybrid battery has a sufficiently high State of Charge (SoC) and power output, which may be affected by temperature. When the internal combustion engine starts, the drive mode automatically changes to the Hybrid mode until the driver has the opportunity to select the Pure mode again.

The internal combustion engine starts:

  • if the battery’s State of Charge (SoC) is too low
  • if the driver fully depresses the accelerator pedal.

The Pure mode is not available:

  • if the battery’s State of Charge (SoC) is too low
  • if the speed exceeds 140 km/h (87 mph) (does not apply when driving downhill, etc.)
  • in the event of system/component limitations e.g. low outside temperature.

The internal combustion engine may start temporarily in certain driving situations when the Pure drive mode is in use. This is in order to provide the wheels with the desired torque in driving situations that require higher load, e.g. when driving with a trailer or on an uphill gradient.

Remember that the car does not emit any engine noise when it is only powered by the electric motor and may therefore be difficult to notice by children, pedestrians, cyclists and animals. This is especially true at low speeds, such as in car parks.


The Power drive mode adapts the combined power output from the electric motor and internal combustion engine in order to provide as high as possible performance and response to acceleration. The gear changes become faster and more distinct, and the gearbox prioritises a gear with greater traction. Steering response is faster and shock absorption harder.

Volvo recommends that you use the Power mode when you want sportier characteristics and faster response to acceleration.

Points to remember when driving with the Power mode

  • fuel consumption may increase.

Constant AWD

The Constant AWD drive mode improves the car’s traction with enhanced all-wheel drive. An adapted distribution between the front and rear axle torque provides good traction, stability and roadholding.

Volvo recommends that you use Constant AWD for slippery road conditions, when driving with a heavy trailer, or when towing.

General information on electric drive

The car is equipped with a rechargeable hybrid battery. The electric motor drives the car mostly at low speeds, the petrol engine at higher speeds, as well as during more active driving.

Charging the hybrid battery

2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-06

The hybrid battery is charged via a charging cable, but can be charged by gentle braking and engine braking in gear position B. The hybrid battery can also be charged by the car’s engine. The car’s starter battery is charged when the hybrid battery is charging.

The time it takes for the hybrid battery to be charged is dependent on the amperage that is used.

While driving

The driver display shows charging information, selected drive mode, distance to empty battery, and the hybrid battery’s charge level.

It is possible to set the car in different drive modes while driving, e.g. electric operation only or, when power is required, both electric motor and petrol engine. The car calculates a combination of drivability, driving experience, environmental impact and fuel economy according to the drive mode selected.

Effect of temperature

The hybrid battery with associated electrical drive systems, as well as the petrol engine and its drive systems, will work better at the correct operating temperature.

If the hybrid battery’s temperature is below -10 ºC (14 ºF) or above 40 ºC (104 ºF) then it may mean that some of the car’s functions are changed or unavailable because the capacity of the hybrid batteries is reduced outside this temperature range.

Electric operation is not possible if the temperature of the battery is too low or too high.

Important to know

The capacity of the hybrid battery decreases slightly with age and use, which may result in increased use of the petrol engine and thereby slightly increased fuel consumption.

Replacing the hybrid battery must only be performed by a workshop – an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.

Exterior engine noise

Remember that the car does not emit any engine noise when it is only powered by the electric motor and may therefore be difficult to notice by children, pedestrians, cyclists and animals. This is especially true at low speeds, such as in car parks.

High-voltage current

2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-07

WarningSeveral components in the car work with high-voltage current that could be dangerous in the event of incorrect intervention. These components, and all orange-coloured cables, must only be handled by qualified personnel.

Do not touch anything that is not clearly described in the owner’s manual.

Symbols and messages relating to hybrid drive in the driver display

A number of symbols and messages regarding hybrid drive can be shown in the driver display. They may also be shown in combination with general indicator and warning symbols and are then extinguished when the problems have been rectified.

Symbol Message Specification
2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-08
Drive to workshop 12 V Battery charging fault Service urgent Fault in the 12V battery. Contact a workshop to check the battery as soon as possible.
2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-08
Stop safely 12 V battery critical charging fault Fault in the 12V battery. Stop the car safely and contact a workshop to have the battery checked as soon as possible.
2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-08
12 V battery fuse failure Service required Fault in the 12V battery. Contact a workshop to check the function as soon as possible.
2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-08
Stop safely HV battery overheated The temperature of the hybrid battery seems to be rising abnormally. Stop the car and switch off the engine. Wait at least 5 minutes before continuing to drive. Call a workshop or check from the outside that everything seems normal before continuing to drive.
2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-09
Reduced performance Max car speed limited The hybrid battery is not sufficiently charged for driving at high speeds. Charge the battery as soon as possible.
2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-10
Propulsion system Harsh behaviour at low speed Car ok to use The hybrid system does not function as intended. Contact a workshop to check the function as soon as possible.
2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-10
Hybrid system failure. Service required. The hybrid system is disengaged. Contact a workshop to check the function as soon as possible.
2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-11
Remove charge cable before start Shown when the driver tries to start the car and the charging cable is connected to the car. Disconnect the charging cable and close the charging hatch.

Long-term storage of cars with hybrid batteries

To minimise the risk of damage to the hybrid battery during long-term storage (longer than 1 month) it is recommended that the state of charge (SoC) is maintained at approximately 25%. Check the charge level in the driver display on a regular basis.

Before long-term storage

Recommended state of charge (SoC) for long-term storage is approximately 25%.

  • If the state of charge (SoC) is high – drive the car until it reaches the recommended level.
  • If the state of charge (SoC) is low – charge the car to the recommended level.

During long-term storage

Check the state of charge (SoC) in the driver display on a regular basis.

Charge the car if the state of charge (SoC) has fallen noticeably, or if it has not been charged for longer than 6 months. This compensates for the natural self-discharge of the battery.

Store the car in a cool place and avoid extreme temperatures during long-term storage in order to minimise the risk of battery damage. Select a storage location indoors or in the shade, depending on where the temperature is lowest, particularly in a hot climate.


The car’s range depends on several factors. The ability to achieve a long range varies according to the circumstances and conditions under which the car is being driven.

The certified value for the car’s mileage should not be interpreted as an expected range. The certified value should primarily be used to compare different cars and is obtained during special test cycles.

Range in the driver display

2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-12

The estimated range is shown in the driver display.

When the car is delivered from the factory, or after a factory reset, the range is based on the certified value. When the car has been driven for a while, the range is based on historical driving patterns.

Factors that affect the range

In addition to historical trip data, there are several different factors that affect the range. The longest range is achieved under extremely favourable conditions when all factors have a positive impact.

Examples of factors that affect the range:

  • speed
  • climate settings
  • topography
  • preconditioning
  • tyres and tyre pressure
  • traffic situation
  • temperature and weather
  • road conditions.

Range based on speed and outside temperature

2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-13

  1. 20 °C (68 °F) outside temperature and passenger compartment climate Off.
  2. 20 °C (68 °F) outside temperature and passenger compartment climate On.
  3. 35 °C (95 °F) outside temperature and passenger compartment climate On.
  4. -10 °C (14 °F) outside temperature and passenger compartment climate On.

The diagram shows the approximate ratio between constant speed and range.

The graph shows that a lower speed gives a longer range. The outside temperature also affects the range, so that very cold or very hot ambient temperatures result in a shorter range.

Lines 1 and 2 show the approximate difference in range affected by the climate functions. Turning off the climate control is more beneficial for range.

Economical driving

To achieve the longest possible range, the driver should plan driving and adapt driving style and speed to the prevailing situation.

Before driving

  • Precondition the car before driving if possible using the charging cable connected to the mains power circuit.
  • If preconditioning is not possible when it is cold outside, use seat heating and steering wheel heating first of all. Avoid warming up the whole of the interior which takes energy from the hybrid battery.
  • Choice of tyres and tyre pressure can affect energy consumption – seek advice on suitable tyres from an authorised Volvo dealer.
  • Remove unnecessary items from the car – the greater the load the higher the consumption.

While driving

  • Activate drive mode Pure.
  • Activate the Hold function at higher speeds during journeys that are longer than the range of the electricity.
  • If possible, avoid using the Charge function to charge the hybrid battery.
  • Drive at a steady speed and keep a good distance to other vehicles and objects in order to avoid braking.
  • The hybrid battery is recharged during braking by braking gently with the brake pedal.
  • High-speed results in increased energy consumption since the wind resistance increases with speed.
  • In a cold climate, reduce electrical heating of windows, mirrors, seats and steering wheel, if possible.
  • Avoid driving with open windows.
  • Do not hold the car stationary on a hill with the accelerator pedal. Instead, activate the function for braking when stationary.
  • If possible, deactivate the climate control while driving a short distance after preconditioning.

After driving

  • If possible, park in an acclimated garage with charging facilities.

Recycling the batteries

Used batteries must be recycled in an environmentally sound manner.

Consult a workshop in the event of uncertainty about how this type of waste should be discarded – an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. The hybrid battery must only be handled by authorised workshop personnel.

Hybrid battery

The hybrid battery powers the car’s electric motor and is charged via the car’s charging input socket.

In addition to the electric drive, the hybrid battery is used to start the internal combustion engine. Therefore, the car cannot be started if the battery is fully discharged for some reason. In order to charge the hybrid battery, the car’s smaller 12 V battery needs to be sufficiently charged in order to have the capacity to power the car’s electrical system and start charging.

The hybrid battery must only be replaced by a workshop – an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.

The service life and capacity of the hybrid battery

The capacity of the hybrid battery diminishes with age and use, which may result in increased use of the internal combustion engine and, as a consequence, reduced fuel economy and reduced range during electric operation.


The hybrid battery’s cooling system has a separate expansion tank.

2022 Volvo S90 Recharge Plug-in Hybrid Electric operation and charging-Fig-14

The hybrid battery’s coolant must only be topped up by a workshop – an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.

Specifications for hybrid battery

Type: Lithium-ion

Total amount of energy: 18.8 kWh

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